Erlyrisa wrote:
Light is the most rudmentary organistation of data.
Matter is a long chain of prograammatic execution, between E and M --when sometimes matter is 'hit' the programmatic execution develops into something else eg. eletron, proton, quark, 'lepton' etc..
Gravity is just hte overall effect of the program running, and the simplest instruction (light) having to have to traverse through the program.
this same prinicipal holds true in all of evolution.---there is no end theres is no begining there is only information.
please take no offense when i say this...but i have no clue what you're english your first language? if it is.........can you speak less in metaphors and explain things out in greater detail...because i have no clue what you are saying from the posts that i've read but i'm interested in reading what you have to say.