In Taoist precepts two opposing forces unite to create everything. Yin Yang. Both forces are interdependent and form a cycle. Think of the body. Our bodies act as a vessel for our soul. Without the soul the body would be lifeless. Without the body the soul would be formless. So you get the idea.
Despite how much we think both political parties are working against each other they are paradoxically part of the fabric of America according to taoism. The conservative party's strength manifested in belief hard work, patriotism, love of the military and family. However those traits can also be seen as social darwinistic, jingoistic, and war hawking respectively as the flip side of the coin. Now the liberals' niceness is manifested in belief in equality, sharing the wealth, multiculturalism, peace with other nations and helping the disadvantaged. However that can be viewed as fostering laziness, stealing from hard workers, and cultivating a loser mentality as being flip sides of the same coin. However both parties moderate the other in a constant struggle until equilibrium is reached. Whatever you might say about conservatives being stone age thinkers or liberals lazy unpatriotic marxists I believe in the struggle between both forces of this continuum