LoveNotHate wrote:
Where I work, we are always looking to hire electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering grads.
I would recommend a getting a M.S. in electrical engineering.
Where do you work?? I know a guy with a BSME who has about 8 years experience with HVAC-R design. He passed the PE exam last year. He needs a new job. His current office seems to be suffering from gross mismanagement. If you're in the Pittsburgh PA area, I just might drop you his resume.
Back on topic:
A half-good life in America is still very possible.
You just might have to redefine what "a half-good life" is. It no longer means a great job with excellent benefits, a pension, and an ample salary. It no longer means a nice house and a newer car and cool toys. The post-WWII "American Dream" is, to be frank, deader than dogshit..
As someone else has said, it was a historical anomaly anyway.
There are all kinds of other ways to live a "half-good life." The first thing you have to do is figure out what "a half-good life" means to you.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"