Would you live on an island or large country?

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21 Jul 2014, 10:04 pm

Theoretically would you a) emigrate to a tiny island or b) even make your own island state (very theoretical)?

For me, not only has the US abandoned freedom, the island countries are a lot calmer, and more remote. The US sadly has lost it's remote feel. I might emigrate someday maybe.


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21 Jul 2014, 10:15 pm

Do you mean buy an island? I'd buy an island. Tasmania is about the right size. I'd buy that.


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21 Jul 2014, 10:34 pm

islands have always had more aesthetic appeal to me (my fictional country etronalienel is on a huge archipelago), but i wouldn't want to live on a smallish one. i want to be able to drive around freely without having to see a coast after 30 minutes of wandering.

agreed, tasmania is the right size. right latitude too.

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22 Jul 2014, 7:24 am

I'd go for Dominica,it still has most of its forest,was to hilly for sugar cane fields,and it has a good lizard population.

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22 Jul 2014, 7:31 am

Dominica, perhaps, is the next "in" thing for ecotourists.

I wouldn't mind living on an island--but I'd want easy access to the mainland. I'd feel constrained if I were isolated on a small island.

Tasmania's not bad. A wide range of landscapes, a rather big place.


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22 Jul 2014, 8:09 am

In IRCF's(International reptile conservation foundation)travelogues the herpetologists were amazed at how many lizards were hanging around the resort in Dominica,Iguanas on the roof :D I'd love to go there and stay somewhere low key,I don't care about a hot tub or the fancy stuff.You can also volunteer to work at the Blue Iguana compound in the Caymans.A dream vacation.

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22 Jul 2014, 8:41 am

My perfect place has a lot of hills/ mountains, a lot of trees, a sparsely populated border between rural and urban, and many intelligent people without fascist attitudes, minimum. Other than that, I do not precisely care if it's on an island or wherever.

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22 Jul 2014, 8:55 am

Good thing: Dominica hasn't become a "hip" place YET.

Now's a good time to go.

There's pretty mountains there.


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22 Jul 2014, 9:07 am

Yeah,once a place gets discovered there are downsides.This fourth an acquaintance took their kids floating on the Buffalo here,he said there was not one place on the river that was private,floaters everywhere.Its good for the local economy,but the tourists sort of push the locals off the river.Any way there are other rivers here to float that are not National park.
In a way you can "love" a place to death.

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22 Jul 2014, 10:56 am

I would definitely take the island.. although I would be afraid of tsunami's and whatnot.. I would much rather be completely alone/ by myself (for the most part) than be in a really crowded place (like New York). It would be nice to just have a couple people live on my island with me... but not too many.

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22 Jul 2014, 11:56 am

An island with some size to it (about 300+ sq mi.) with a natural harbor. No tropical islands for me. I'm thinking more like the Gulf of Alaska or somewhere similar with topography similar to this.
I'd be the only one there except for some spoiled dogs or occasionally people visiting by invitation. I'd go to the mainland by my boat about once a week or less.

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22 Jul 2014, 12:19 pm

I would say New Zealand.

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22 Jul 2014, 5:19 pm

Sounds like some posters on this thread might like Great Barrier Island, which is a largish island (130 square miles more or less) a short boat trip away from the city of Auckland, and is part of New Zealand. (Not to be confused with the Great Barrier Reef, which is part of North East Australia). Both are very beautiful places, though very different of course. NZ has a temperate climate, unlike Northern Australia which is tropical.


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22 Jul 2014, 5:42 pm

I'll take Manhattan.


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30 Jul 2014, 10:57 pm
