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28 Jul 2014, 9:48 am


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Joined: 19 Jun 2005
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29 Jul 2014, 5:04 am

khaoz wrote:
It's all about the money.

When has this never been the case?

FWIW, I remember a few years ago when the teabaggers were really active seeing something about her on national news.

It showed a bunch of Teabaggers standing around waiting for her to show up at a rally in Minnesota or Iowa iin February, and apparently they had been waiting a couple of hours for her to show up, and she does. In a big motorcoach which drives right by them as she waves out the window.

Essentially, you can talk about change all you want, but when you're freezing your ass off waiting for your great leader to show up, and all they do is wave at you as they glide by in a comfy motorcoach and wave at you, is this the type of change that you want, or is it just posturing to give you more of the same as what you've been getting?

When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!