I think I'm getting delusional...
Over the past day or so, I have become f*****g obsessed with reading libertarian stuff online. Normally, since I'm somewhat of an MSNBC-watching left-winger, I would've just ignored this, but I've read so much stuff, I think it's starting to seep into my brain. I've read so much stuff from crazies like BlameThe1st, I'm now fearing that practically nearly everything I've liked has a libertarian bent to them. (Now that's what I call a conspiracy theory.)
And to be frank, I don't want this to happen to me.
So, what I'm asking is, what is your brutally honest opinion of libertarianism and/or Ron Paul (because hey, he's the most popular of them)?
Be glad that you're freeing your mind from the BS the MSM calls "news."
Any ideology can be dangerous when taken to an extreme, but when one side keeps promoting lies which are later exposed as lies, you shouldn't take anything they say seriously. When any ideology has to make distorted or patently false attacks against another ideology in an attempt to make themselves look credible, they should be looked upon with suspicion.
The truth tends to stand out if you can tolerate wading through all the BS that's out there. Most people don't have the energy or time to do this...and that's why lies tend to win over the majority of people.

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To put it in probably overly simplistic terms, libertarian conservatives see the troubles of others but could care less if it isn't them, while liberals tend to care that such troubles shouldn't happen to anyone.
Rand Paul, I personally think, is way too cozy with white supremacists, has been hostile to civil rights, and is entangled in unprovable conspiracy theories.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Any ideology can be dangerous when taken to an extreme, but when one side keeps promoting lies which are later exposed as lies, you shouldn't take anything they say seriously. When any ideology has to make distorted or patently false attacks against another ideology in an attempt to make themselves look credible, they should be looked upon with suspicion.
The truth tends to stand out if you can tolerate wading through all the BS that's out there. Most people don't have the energy or time to do this...and that's why lies tend to win over the majority of people.
So, is that a condemnation of libertarianism or me watching MSNBC?
Rand Paul, I personally think, is way too cozy with white supremacists, has been hostile to civil rights, and is entangled in unprovable conspiracy theories.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I got from reading about him.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_ ... h_brothers
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You can't look at "libertarianism" in a vacuum without comparing it to the alternatives, you can't say "X politician believes this therefor it's all bad" you have to look at the bigger picture. Why would anybody trust "mainstream" of the Republican or Democratic parties? They're two sides of the same coin, at least that's how I see it. Do you trust government? One has to realize that there is no "good" government, it doesn't matter who is in power since there will be always corrupting influences and it will be under siege by their special interests that aren't your own. How can your voice compete with the elites? It's ludicrous to think that any amount of rules and regulations could change that. The problem is government power itself, no matter what structural changes it make it all leads back to the same place. I suppose you can say government a necessary evil but one forget that is still evil, you have to be constantly on guard for it to overstep its boundaries. There scrutiny on every little thing that government does.
The problem with politics in America is that we're divided in team red and team blue, people think they're divided on ideology but reality is most people are just ignorant frontrunners being manipulated by those seeking power. How can all these Obama supporters defend him when supposedly the core of his election campaign were anti-war and pro-civil liberties? How can any supposed fiscal conservative support someone like George Bush who spent than any president before him and created a massive increase in government bureaucracy? They defend them because that's their team, they just think can't think critically. Now I suppose these people could say that they're not looking it in a vacuum either, they've gotten so fearful of the other side that they have to tolerate all the BS their own side perpetrates even if it is almost exactly the same. What's wrong is wrong and what's right is right, it doesn't change by who is office to me. I wouldn't excuse or ignore evilness coming from someone I support because what is even the point then of supporting anyone? Obviously we all have to pick our hill to die on, what really matters? Personally I believe in the the protection of our natural rights and the maximum amount of freedom.
People nit pick certain issues, the biggest with libertarianism is the welfare state and I think it is an understandable worry and that's a societal discussion that should be had but I don't think the disagreement there should mean you throw the baby out with the bathwater, why does supporting welfare on some levels mean you wholly throw your support behind the police state? I guess that's what dependence does to you.
My suggestion is to stop watching MSNBC or any cable news network, they're all opinion dominated propaganda outlets. Looks at the facts and think for yourself. I think that's the problem you're having, you're stuck in this partisan mindset where one can't support the good the other side has to offer and tolerate the crap your team gives you.

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As far as protection of natural rights is concerned - the founders realized that anarchy would protect nothing, and so devised a system of centralized government where those very natural rights you cherish only could be protected. Without said government, it wouldn't be long till the majority took away the rights from unpopular minorities, and the corporate elites, who would be holding all of the power, would be the only ones calling the shots. By the way, without government, property rights would mean absolutely nothing. Who but the government allows for you to peaceably keep your property? Otherwise, you would be guarding your house or car 24/7 with gun in hand for fear of someone stronger coming to take them.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
The only natural right is the right to live or die according to the law of the jungle. Of course anarchy protects it
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.

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Furthermore, I suspect mainstream news outlets are bad for one's mental health. I just listened in on MSNBC for the first time in about a year the other day, and it's literally nothing but war, poverty, doom and gloom, while we live in the safest, most peaceful, most prosperous era ever.

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Furthermore, I suspect mainstream news outlets are bad for one's mental health. I just listened in on MSNBC for the first time in about a year the other day, and it's literally nothing but war, poverty, doom and gloom, while we live in the safest, most peaceful, most prosperous era ever.
I dare say it isn't prosperous for everyone. There are still people unable to find work, who have to contend with having their benefits cut, who have to worry about medical coverage for their children, etc. Just because you and I can't see the suffering of others doesn't mean it isn't happening, or that it shouldn't concern the rest of us.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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As far as protection of natural rights is concerned - the founders realized that anarchy would protect nothing, and so devised a system of centralized government where those very natural rights you cherish only could be protected. Without said government, it wouldn't be long till the majority took away the rights from unpopular minorities, and the corporate elites, who would be holding all of the power, would be the only ones calling the shots. By the way, without government, property rights would mean absolutely nothing. Who but the government allows for you to peaceably keep your property? Otherwise, you would be guarding your house or car 24/7 with gun in hand for fear of someone stronger coming to take them.
How is that any different than what we have now?
There is no point in really arguing the extreme, I didn't say there should be no government. It should be as small and decentralized as possible, it shouldn't be dominant over the individual. I believe in maximum amount of freedom.
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Furthermore, I suspect mainstream news outlets are bad for one's mental health. I just listened in on MSNBC for the first time in about a year the other day, and it's literally nothing but war, poverty, doom and gloom, while we live in the safest, most peaceful, most prosperous era ever.
I agree, it's much better to cut out the middleman and get your information from online. Stop watching cable news and your priorities will change to the point where you can't even watch it anymore without being disgusted, you can see the manipulation right in front of your eyes. A racist sneezing in Florida isn't news, glorifying spree killers doesn't add anything positive to our lives, nor do the constant barrage of war propaganda from the MIC and the growing police state. Shut it all off.

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As far as protection of natural rights is concerned - the founders realized that anarchy would protect nothing, and so devised a system of centralized government where those very natural rights you cherish only could be protected. Without said government, it wouldn't be long till the majority took away the rights from unpopular minorities, and the corporate elites, who would be holding all of the power, would be the only ones calling the shots. By the way, without government, property rights would mean absolutely nothing. Who but the government allows for you to peaceably keep your property? Otherwise, you would be guarding your house or car 24/7 with gun in hand for fear of someone stronger coming to take them.
How is that any different than what we have now?
There is no point in really arguing the extreme, I didn't say there should be no government. It should be as small and decentralized as possible, it shouldn't be dominant over the individual. I believe in maximum amount of freedom.
Without that centralization of power, Jim Crow would still be in practice, and the poor and elderly would die off from malnutrition and lack of medical care. Those are among the best argument for big government. And yes, sometimes interfering with someone else' freedom is necessary - in cases where whites thought they should have the freedom to keep blacks second class citizens, or more recently with straights believing they should have the freedom to keep LGBT persons marginalized.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Libertarians= Liberty. Liberty is hard glass to swallow for those who are use to a nanny state. As Mr. Chomsky notes in the video, "it is savagery" for people to have the liberty to die. People like Mr. Chomsky tend to believe a nanny state must exist that cares for people because people are "sheeple" (sheep people).
I argue that the nanny state is a fallacy. The people assuming power over you don't care anymore about you than the "evil corporations" that he talks about.
After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.

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Liberty is hard glass to swallow for those who are use to a nanny state. As Mr. Chomsky notes in the video, "it is savagery" for people to have the liberty to die. People like Mr. Chomsky tend to believe a nanny state must exist that cares for people because people are "sheeple" (sheep people).
Libertarians claim their philosophy is all about liberty, but it can be argued it's really about having the freedom to be indifferent to the needs of your fellow human beings.
And the so called "nanny state" hardly means there is any kind of deficit of freedom. It means citizens enact a government that cares for the most needy, and protects the rights of both the majority and the minority. Nothing of being sheeple about it.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer