The Mother of all Panics! Half the people would die the first few days looting Walmart.
The smart ones would be SUVjacking the survivors.
The market would crash, money become worthless, only food, fuel and ammo being trade goods.
The disruption of food supply, power outages, water supply would reduce the survivors to local looting, infighting.
Landing on The White House Lawn never turned out well. Picking an orbit, Polar, a hundred thousand miles out, we have nothing that could reach them.
Just the size of the ship would affect response. Five miles long, one in diameter, the outer surface covered in LED Lasers it would read like a projection screen.
Perhaps they will offer to help the dominate species, cattle, become free of their parasites.
The Whales control the largest area, 4/5ths. India and China the largest population of apes.
Having telescopes that can see through roofs, count hairs, they will quickly learn what a filthy lot we are.
There is a market for other species porn, we might have value.
Our planet has nothing that they could not find much closer to home.
Perhaps the exotic pet market, depending on what species they were, as slaves, pets, food.
Misslizard's family, we are boned. Hyper-intelligent reptiles riding domestic veloscoraptors, both live feeders.
Checking motive, Why? Captian Kirk was in it for boning Green women. Most of the time they just wanted to place hidden cameras in the girls locker room. It was an ad thing, The United Federation of Planets exists, but we do less than the UN. Prime Directive, just like the UN.
Rational beings would be seeking at least ship supplies, and even organic vegitarians use blood meal in their garden. Reptiles could lower their body temp, live hundreds of years, and only warm up to feed and reproduce. "They come in hot years, and this year was very hot."
It is not like anyone would visit us for the culture. Anyone who did would laugh at our science.
When Europe invaded everywhere, besides mounted heads, they brought back species for zoos. In the Americas 90,000,000 buffalo died for their hides.
Compared to finding another earth, the first thing to do is wipe out all alien species, and reseed with our own. Really, if ants were two inches long, we would have never survived. Alien hypno spiders would do us in.
Ants, bees, termites, hive minds, are all 350 million years old, and have not evolved. They show up, and do not change. They await the arrival of the Master Hive.
They have a chemical language, we would never understand the message.
It would not be worse than any of our other potential futures.