TallyMan wrote:
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
Power corrupts through increasing selfishness, which is why it becomes harder for those in great positions of power to consider others before themselves. Ultimately, only God is entitled to absolute power, but even He restrains Himself through His promises.
You mean that narcissistic psychopathic god of the old testament who likes to commit mass murder, brutality and demands that humans worship him (or else). Sounds absolutely corrupted by absolute power to me.
Those assumptions are often based on either a misunderstanding of Old testament culture in relation God's character, or the selfish idea that we as created beings know better than our Creator. If God is the standard for all humanity in moral terms, then His decisions are final. I don't understand everything in the Bible, and there's some of it I wish hadn't happened...but its not my call. People often think of God's authority as arbitrary, but who would any of us hold Him accountable to? He's the Creator of all, including us; it would be self-defeating for us to challenge His rights. We can ask questions and debate with Him; in fact, He invites us to do so. But in the end, His ways take precedence.
God, guns, and guts made America; let's keep all three.