K_Kelly wrote:
Lately it sounded like conservative political culture isn't any different then Christian religious culture-I have been posting on a conservative internet forum where at least one poster seemed to act like disagreeing with them was a type of sin, thus having a different thought of opinion is even a sin.
Liberals substitute the accusation of sin with evil and/or heartless.
And there's gay marriage-Why should I accept absolute truth if I have to exchange for it the belief that certain people are ills to society. OK, maybe this was the accepted way of thinking for many Americans before the 80s, but that was back then.
That's changing one state at a time.
I also want you to notice that I haven't changed to liberal either-I just reject both. I feel like what my parents told me to believe for a long time was false, and there isn't really any objective "conservative" or "liberal" if I was explaining that properly.
You should identify with one or the other if for no other reason than to drive the other side nuts.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson