naturalplastic wrote:
Not Jewish, but I know that they have similiar dietary laws to Muslims.
You'll be able to drink beer, but you still wont be able to eat bacon!
But seriously: its not uncommon for Muslim migrants to western countries to send their children to Jewish orthodox schools because its usually the closest thing available to keeping their kids in the Muslim lifestyle.
So if you want to fit into a European/American society judaism might be a path of lesser resistence than Christianity, or secularism.
LESSER resistance than Christianity??? Exactly what part of society are YOU trying to fit into?
Converting to Judaism is HARD, btw. I'm fascinated by Judaism and try to incorporate SOME traditions into my own life. But I'm not a Jew and as such those traditions don't apply to me. If you're looking to be counted righteous by Jewish standards, all you need to do is follow the laws of Noah. There's no need for you to convert.
Christianity is worlds away from Judaism. All you have to do is first believe that Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient to save you from your sins and then publicly profess faith in Jesus as the promised Savior. Repentance follows as an act of obedience and desire to be Christ-like. Nobody is perfect, but because we are free from the bonds of evil, we feel we should avoid it. It's nice, neat, simple, requires no formal rituals or any extensive scriptural knowledge. It's the "faith" bit people find most challenging.
I enjoy reading the Bible, OT and NT, and discussing it. But as a religion, the point is not in intellectual exercise. Any idiot can become a Christian. The point was never WHAT you know, but WHO you know. The intellectual side is just icing on the cake. If Christianity is nothing but a mental exercise, the would-be convert has completely missed the point.
Good luck on your journey! If you persist in converting to Judaism, it's a huge accomplishment. I, for one, would enjoy reading about it if you're willing to continue posting about it. Converting to any religion is a personal thing, so I'd encourage you to do what YOU feel is right and get as much information as you can.