Taxes are more than just funding public services.
Income tax was used to break up the Trusts, and bring down the Golden Age, where people became Royality due to keeping the profits of industry.
Higher taxes, which went up to 95%, blocked a few people from getting all the money, land, assets, and forever shutting out everyone else.
Taxes also promote employment, as payroll is a deduction, but you still retain the value of the labor.
We have had it right a few times, taxes that broke up the Trusts, and paid off WWII, Ike had 95% top rates, and paid our war debts in a few years, while industry boomed, and a huge middle class formed.
High rates for business promote employment, low rates promote buying other companies, running up debt, huge paychecks for CEOs, Wall Street, and the least possible left for employees and stock holders.
The Mitt method of buying companies, selling off parts, firing the employees, sending production offshore, paid taxes at a 15% rate. One caused the other.
With 45 million war babies retiring, Social Security has only an IOU from Congress. As a pay as you go system each current worker will have to pay at least $50,000 a year to make the numbers work
No one pays more than 15.?% on the first $115,000, then it is a free ride
Making all income subject to Social Security, Mitt would pay 30% on his $100,000,000 income.
There is a social purpose to taxing. It can make keeping diverse business and full employment the goal of tax planning.
Recent history shows lower taxes produced 3% of people owning half of all income, and a national debt growing to $17 Trillion. One caused the other.
Abolish Capital gains, make all income equal, and have top tax brackets, like over $10,000,000 at 95%.
Offshore income to be taxed in the year it is earned even if it is in a Hong Kong Bank.
Something will have to be done about Congress, before the dollar becomes worthless. Do what they did to the Postal Service, you must prepay Social Security, then discharge the National Debt, fund the VA, before giving yourself a raise, or contracting for Hellfire Missiles @$5 Million each to kill one IS fighter, when there are 100,000. Members of Congress own a lot of Defense Industries, and are not subject to insider trading laws.
Congress must be subject to all laws, government employes subject to Social Security, so we all have a common interest.
We need another Government to govern the one we have.
A sound dollar rising in value is the best defense we have.
With it we can have better health care, free higher education, and rebuild the country, with high speed trains, new cities, and a higher quality of life for the next generation.
We The People includes widows, orphans, the old, sick, disabled, rug rats, school children, and the as yet unborn. To Form a More Perfect Union, all must be included.
"Where there is no vision the people perish."
Nothing stands in our way but 545 whores in Washington.