kevv729 wrote:
Do You really Think these United States of America is becoming a THEORCRACY come on. Not even!! !
I'd say a country turning against its own constitution in enforcing the teaching of religious beliefs in government-supported institutions is a pretty big leap in that direction.
endersdragon wrote:
Then how to organisims come into existance?
The theory of evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life. It describes how existing organisms change.
endersdragon wrote:
Also shortterm evolution has been proven, long term not even close.
I think there are a bit too many
transitional fossils to ignore long term evolution.
kevv729 wrote:
We have remember science is just theories even theories get debunked or expanded over time. We are Living in a great technology age where there are more theories out there that try to explain it all. Science may explain it well but the more it explains the more questions We as a Society have. Even God might have created evolution We just don't know. We must remember science can not explain everything in the most minute way, for it is just theories.
Shall we stop teaching science all together then? Let's start by ignoring the theory of gravity.
Apparently the University of California at Berkeley has declared that they will refuse to grant credit for high school biology courses that teach Intelligent Design. I can see this spreading quickly, so kids in Kansas may be in a tight spot if they try to get into higher education.