ZenDen wrote:
As you say, everyone is (according to major parties) supposed to be polarized.
I'm "liberal" on most issues but always forced myself to watch Fox News for the other side
of the story.
Then I soon noticed Fox liked to leave out certain points of information if doing so would
make the Republicans look better or the Democrats look poorer (in both stories and video).
But to my surprise, after I got good at spotting this type of thing I began to notice the same
actions in Democrat controlled media.
When I mentioned this in a primarily Dem. forum I was verbally "run out of town on a rail" and
seriously doubt anyone actually considered what I reported.
But a little time spent in watching how each party behaves, especially during a critical period, will
convince most what I speak of is true. After all they're all just greedy politicians.
It's hard to avoid the Fox spin as they own so many local stations throughout the country. They are making sure their propaganda slowly seeps into the "minds" of the unaware, uneducated and uninformed as far as the signal can reach.