Pre capita income is rising, and they have a world class defense and nuke offense. They do not have an army to fight a major land war.
Barry went after a bear with a pointed stick, Europe got poked in the eye.
Europe is paying Ukaraine's gas bill, because they have to, to get their own.
Transnitsia and Novorussia are frozen conflicts that will keep them out of NATO, and the EU does not need an invasion of low skilled workers.
Syria has sent millions into Turkey, and intends to leave them there. Same for Jordan.
US backed Freedom Fighter Nazis in Ukraine are threatening to overthrow the US puppet government,
US backed Syrian rebels took over Iraq.
The BRICs are turning away from the Petro Dollar, and chosing gold for reserves.
We use sanctions to destroy the Ruble, but there are huge holdings of US Bonds, that if sold for 99% of face value would crush the dollar.
The gold and blood spent to control oil becomes worthless when Russia suplies China with oil and gas. A dip in world demand leads to excess production, falling prices, which is a disaster for some, and a boon to many.
Putin gave the European people lower food prices. Putin gave other countries new food markets.
A lame duck "Community Organizer," from Chicago tried to bluff a Master chess player and Judo Expert, and dictate to the Middle Kingdom. This will not turn out well.
Barry will go down in history as the "Homosexual Rights" President who lost the world.