Kraichgauer wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I think this is something that our grand-kids and great grand-kids might know for sure, just that right now - even if he had been ram-rodded through for political reasons - it would be seen as a threat to national stability and would serve to severely escalate brinksmanship between both of our wonderful and functional parties.
There's nothing to know for sure. The birth certificate thing is something dreamed up by racists who don't want to admit they're racists.
IMO his immigration policies of bringing in tons of Hispanics is not helping poor, black people. Hispanics are given minority preferences and have displaced black people as the largest minority. This is a loss of power for black people. Hispanics are growing so fast that some black state Congressional seats are in jeopardy of being lost to Hispanic representatives.
This would seem precisely what anti-black racist would want ? The majority of Hispanics in America self-identify as "white" (53%) [source 1], and genetically Mexicans are on average 59-65% European [source 2].
The U.S. appears to be forming like Northern/Southern Europe. Northern is lighter skin Europeans (80-90% European), and Southern is darker skin Europeans (59-65% European).
So, by "racists" you may be referring to black people who want to challenge his citizenship, because of his policies ?
1. ... _Americans
In the 2010 Census, 53% Hispanics in the US self-identified as white.
2. [see section 'Population genetics']
A 2012 study published by the Journal of Human Genetics found the Y chromosome ancestry of the Mexican mestizo population to be
predominately European (64.9%). A study conducted by Mexico's National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN) reported that mestizo Mexicans are 58.96% European.
After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.