He who has suffered you to impose on him is a man to whom you owe a debt of gratitude, to whom you would be in a tight spot if you aren't on his good side. So you say what he says, think what he thinks, believe what he believes, pray how and where and when he prays, and you keep a roof over your head and food in your belly.
Knowledge is power. More specifically, social power (kyriarchal dominance), such as that of the Imposed-Upon, confers influence over the ontology and epistemology of and/or applicable to the dominated, and thus their very conception of knowledge itself.
He who has suffered you to impose on him knows you, because he to whom you are indebted defines your knowledge.
From start to finish I've made you feel this
Uncomfort in turn with the world you've learned
To love through this hate to live with its weight
A burden discerned in the blood you taste