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17 Nov 2014, 5:49 pm

If you think about it, none of us asked to be born. We were all forced to come into this world without consent. We are suppose to abide by society and life's standards even though we never agreed to life. We are forced to grow up and get old, go to school, work, find a purpose in life, experience millions of changes, and die. It is not like we signed a contract before we were born to experience any of this stuff. It is all forced upon us just because people can't control their hormones. For those of us who have extra problems or live in poverty never agreed to it. So why is life forced on us? Why don't we get a choice to be born or not? Why we have to experience all of life's challenges if we never consented to them? This is why I think that it is selfish to bring kids into this world. You are just forcing them to abide by life's standards whether they want to or not. Life isn't for everybody. Not all of us have passions and not all of us want to face the challenges. No one wants to get old and die so why is it forced on us?


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17 Nov 2014, 5:54 pm

How would you know if life was for you if you are not born?

Apart from the obvious you can't consent to be born, or before you were conceived.


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17 Nov 2014, 6:09 pm

MSBKyle wrote:
Why don't we get a choice to be born or not?

0_equals_true answered the question but I will too anyway.

You aren't given a choice of whether or not to be born because there is no "you" to ask until it's already too late.

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17 Nov 2014, 7:30 pm

While the notion is fairly interesting and it has already been answered. Here's something related that comes to mind

Why is taking yourself out of the equation such a problem then? Of course, suicide is a sensitive topic, but if I have such an issue with being born and existing, why are there people who feel it's "wrong" to get out the moment I'm aware enough that I don't have any interest to be at this party?

One can argue that it's akin to torture to force someone to stay alive and make something out of life, even if he doesn't have any desire to.

Yeah, obviously, if you're bent on getting out of life, who cares about principles, and that's the practical side. The more "theoretical" side about the implications of suicide which are not neccesarily the product of depression and such, but merely euthanizing him/herself. I for one have a hard time believing that's a problem as such. Heck, the notion that parents give birth and put so much energy and emotion in me that they actually love me and get upset if I decide life is not worth living confuses the hell out of me. You plant me here, you get attached, and now I'm the bad guy for not getting all feely about it and wanting to live by my own (shortlived) agenda.

Tufted Titmouse
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17 Nov 2014, 7:37 pm

because a replicating molecule gained complexity, and eventually snow balled into what we have today, all on momentum and chemical reactions for no purpose and the only data humans have is "well that happened." not really much else to go into, this is a very objective and bleak outlook though so most other people would prefer a grand lore filled epic to describe humans origins, because when life gets to this level of intelligence, acknowledging you are part of a chemical reaction that's billions of years old and not much more isn't very pleasant for most people. the fear of death used to keep us in the gladiator dome is also what makes this intelligence a torture mechanism if anything. we know. we know so much but ultimately nothing of value beyond how to cheat the other life forms out of energy, or min max a game of consumption, reproduction and addiction.


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17 Nov 2014, 9:14 pm

Ware born so that we can die. We die because we were born. The more reasonable question would be"Why do we feel the need to justify or understand birth or death?" It just complicates the living part between the two. We spend our lives searching for something "special" about our existence and do everything possible to distract ourselves from what is right before our noses. Because what is right in front of our noses scares us to death. That being, life is just life. There is nothing special about us or our existence, so we waste all of our time here trying to fabricate something special and miss the reality that life is special as it is. Just live it.


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17 Nov 2014, 9:22 pm

Because my parents engaged in sexual intercourse with the intention of producing a child.
Because my mother chose not to terminate the pregnancy.
Because no complications caused the pregnancy to spontaneously terminate.

Because sometimes when a man and a woman love each other the man sticks his hoohoodilly in the woman's chacha.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.


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17 Nov 2014, 10:26 pm

MSBKyle wrote:
We were all forced to come into this world without consent.

Maybe not. Life could be some sort of expensive vacation, in which case prematurely ending it by killing yourself would make you look a bit silly back on the other side.


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17 Nov 2014, 10:41 pm

Because our parents had sex. Plain and simple. But there might be certain individuals who are predestined to fulfilling certain roles in politics, war, religion, or the arts.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Nov 2014, 10:42 pm

Godamnit! Where are all these double posts coming from?!?!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Last edited by Kraichgauer on 18 Nov 2014, 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Nov 2014, 10:44 pm

Damnit, double post!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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17 Nov 2014, 10:49 pm

Damnit. double post!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Last edited by Kraichgauer on 18 Nov 2014, 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Nov 2014, 11:40 pm

Luck. Your Mother and Father happen to have intercourse at the right moment for you to be created and their parents... So you see you have some of the greatest luck to even exist; so, make your own future don't live for others live for yourself.


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17 Nov 2014, 11:54 pm

MSBKyle wrote:
If you think about it, none of us asked to be born. We were all forced to come into this world without consent. . . We are forced to grow up and get old, go to school, work, find a purpose in life, experience millions of changes, and die. . . So why is life forced on us? Why don't we get a choice to be born or not? Why we have to experience all of life's challenges if we never consented to them? . . . Life isn't for everybody. Not all of us have passions and not all of us want to face the challenges.

Your observation exposes a fascinating philosophical question about the nature of identity and existence. You ask "[w]hy don't we get a choice to be born or not?" and assert that "[l]ife isn't for everybody." But do we exist before we are born? Who is that "everybody" you speak of? Out of all of the possible combinations of human beings that could be conceived, almost none of them come to fruition. So, how are we to think of these non-conceived theoretical humans? If they "count" (putting aside the obvious problems that accompanies such a theory) then what were the odds that any of us would be conceived rather than forever relegated to the category of non-conceived theoretical humans, where almost all possible "humans" remain? It must be like 1 in a quintillion or something even crazier. Wow, right? If I was "lucky" enough to be conceived, why won't I ever be "lucky" enough to win the lottery, which one has a much higher chance of doing than being born in the first place. Does this make sense to anyone or am I crazy (or both)?


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18 Nov 2014, 1:42 am

Yes, consent always matters. I implore you to remember to never impose this dangerous risk on others if you think consent matters.


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18 Nov 2014, 6:52 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Where are all these double posts coming from?!?!

Don't double-click Submit.