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10 Nov 2014, 6:26 pm

Because the average Conservative voter has not a clue how our government operates. To be convinced by the Conservative party that everything wrong with America is a result of Obama policies when it is Conservative politicians and their surrogates who are responsible for 90% of the current American hell. ... gress.html


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11 Nov 2014, 5:56 am

Nice trolling.

Yeah, blame the Republicans.

Never mind that DEMOCRATS controlled the Senate for the last 6 years and REFUSED to bring any Republican bills to the floor (particularly budget ones) for debate.

It takes two to tango.

Make sure you don't have a logging company in your own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else's eye.


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11 Nov 2014, 6:37 am

People mentioned the rising debt as a reason to vote against Democrats. You can see the slope of the Obama years is the greatest in history (i.e., the debt increased at a faster rate under Obama than any other president). We are getting to the point where the slope goes vertical, and then it will be game over.


source: ... nder-obama


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11 Nov 2014, 6:49 am

Nah, the US federal debt is only 75% or so of GDP, it's not really shocking at all. Higher debt is sort of expected with such an economic downturn.

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11 Nov 2014, 6:49 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
People mentioned the rising debt as a reason to vote against Democrats. You can see the slope of the Obama years is the greatest in history (i.e., the debt increased at a faster rate under Obama than any other president). We are getting to the point where the slope goes vertical, and then it will be game over.
Looks like the big jump is the result of the global crash that happened at the end of the last presidency.

After that, the Obama years seem to show a similar pattern to other recent presidencies - growth in debt at the start that levels off over time.

The curve certainly doesn't appear to be exponential.


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11 Nov 2014, 10:14 am

zer0netgain wrote:
Nice trolling.

Yeah, blame the Republicans.

Never mind that DEMOCRATS controlled the Senate for the last 6 years and REFUSED to bring any Republican bills to the floor (particularly budget ones) for debate.

It takes two to tango.

Make sure you don't have a logging company in your own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else's eye.

In 5 states voters voted to raise the minimum wage--clearly a democrat policy. In those same states they overwhelmingly voted for republican politicians who oppose raising the minimum wage.

...seems pretty stupid to me.

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11 Nov 2014, 12:56 pm

trollcatman wrote:
Nah, the US federal debt is only 75% or so of GDP, it's not really shocking at all. Higher debt is sort of expected with such an economic downturn.

The GDP is not relevant because the US will never repay the debt unless it can borrow the money. The GDP could be 5% or 500% , either way, the debt will *never* be repaid unless a greater fool comes along, and is willing to lend the 18 trillion plus the additional interest. So, what matters is how long can the US find a greater fool to keep participating in this scheme. This is called "Greater Fool Theory" .. based on expectations the US can sell its Treasury debt because one believes an even greater fool will come along to buy it from me in the future ...


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11 Nov 2014, 1:34 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
In 5 states voters voted to raise the minimum wage--clearly a democrat policy. In those same states they overwhelmingly voted for republican politicians who oppose raising the minimum wage.

...seems pretty stupid to me.

That's called not being single issue voters, picking and choosing candidates and policy based on a set of preferences, not simple partisanship, which sounds pretty smart to me. I voted Obama in 08 even though I would have opposed a lot of his agenda had it come to a popular vote because I thought he was the better candidate overall, for example, though in that case I got hoodwinked by his campaign about who I was really voting for, had I known how he'd turn out I'd probably have voted third party.

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11 Nov 2014, 6:08 pm

Dox47 wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:
In 5 states voters voted to raise the minimum wage--clearly a democrat policy. In those same states they overwhelmingly voted for republican politicians who oppose raising the minimum wage.

...seems pretty stupid to me.

That's called not being single issue voters, picking and choosing candidates and policy based on a set of preferences, not simple partisanship, which sounds pretty smart to me. I voted Obama in 08 even though I would have opposed a lot of his agenda had it come to a popular vote because I thought he was the better candidate overall, for example, though in that case I got hoodwinked by his campaign about who I was really voting for, had I known how he'd turn out I'd probably have voted third party.

In principle I can agree that being a single issue voter is not helpful. However, I'd consider basic economics a "single issue" only in the sense that it is the single most important issue there is, and it affects every single person in America...

Frankly, Republican economic policies are bad for everyone and down right disastrous for the working class. Just look at what the Republicans have done to Kansas. They've cut taxes to the bone, and not only has it NOT caused economic growth, it's actually decimated the public school system and resulted in record state debt. And yet, in spite of many being furious at the loss of schools in small town Kansas, those same small town voters still voted the Republicans back into power.

And most of those Kansas voters DID vote on single issues like abortion or gay rights...

Now that's stupid...


No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus


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11 Nov 2014, 7:06 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
Nice trolling.

Yeah, blame the Republicans.

Never mind that DEMOCRATS controlled the Senate for the last 6 years and REFUSED to bring any Republican bills to the floor (particularly budget ones) for debate.

It takes two to tango.

Make sure you don't have a logging company in your own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else's eye.

"trolling" my caboose. It's a story, and it's a reality.

The majority of Americans support same sex marriage. Conservative politicians won't have it.
" " " " " support increasing the minimum wage. Conservative politicians won't have it.
"" " " " support legalization of marijuana. Conservative politicians won't have it.
"" " " support background checks on gun purchases. Conservative politicians won't have it.
The majority of Americans support stronger regulations on banks and Wall Street. Conservative politicians won't have it.
The majority of Americans want to deal with climate change issues. Conservative politicians deny it even exists.

Yada, tada, yada.

Everything the majority of Americans support, Conservative politicians are against.

Conservative politicians have stated outright that they are going to sabotage everything Obama attempts, make sure Americans suffer because of their obstruction, while they wage a campaign to convince the low information, incapable of thinking for themselves American voter that everything they, Conservative politicians are doing to HURT Americans, is the fault of Obama. And stupid American voters, the majority of those having no idea whatsoever how our government operates, fell for it hook, line and sinker and STILL voted against their own interests, because Conservative politicians, and their surrogates in the right wing media, along with their handlers with the checkbooks, have convinced Americans that Obama is everything he is not. As in "socialist, gun grabbing, Muslim, gay, foreign born, anti-Christian....."

That is the reality of America. Stupid is as stupid does.


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12 Nov 2014, 5:35 am

And in a REPUBLIC, what the majority wants does NOT = right.

In addition, opinion polls are meaningless because both sides often word the question to lead the person polled to a desired outcome.

Anyone can be for higher wages, but if they don't comprehend the impact they will have on the economy as a whole, they might support something that would ultimately hurt them in the long run.


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12 Nov 2014, 5:45 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
trollcatman wrote:
Nah, the US federal debt is only 75% or so of GDP, it's not really shocking at all. Higher debt is sort of expected with such an economic downturn.

The GDP is not relevant because the US will never repay the debt unless it can borrow the money. The GDP could be 5% or 500% , either way, the debt will *never* be repaid unless a greater fool comes along, and is willing to lend the 18 trillion plus the additional interest. So, what matters is how long can the US find a greater fool to keep participating in this scheme. This is called "Greater Fool Theory" .. based on expectations the US can sell its Treasury debt because one believes an even greater fool will come along to buy it from me in the future ...

The debt doesn't need to be repaid. It just needs to be refinanced, and currently the US gov can do that at very low interest. There are countries with way more debt/GDP and they doing fine. If people don't think they're going to get their money, then why do they invest in US bonds when they could be investing in German bonds or Austrian bonds?
Some gov debt is also good as a fairly safe place to store your money, for banks/insurance companies/retiremend funds etc. Government debt is fundamentally different from debt that private citizens have.


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12 Nov 2014, 5:53 am

I like George Carlin's take on things-

"Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders." - George Carlin


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12 Nov 2014, 11:10 am

zer0netgain wrote:
And in a REPUBLIC, what the majority wants does NOT = right.

In addition, opinion polls are meaningless because both sides often word the question to lead the person polled to a desired outcome.

Anyone can be for higher wages, but if they don't comprehend the impact they will have on the economy as a whole, they might support something that would ultimately hurt them in the long run.


Austerity kills economies... ... recession/

And higher wages spur growth... ... nsfer-more

Finally, something we can agree on! :P

No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus


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17 Nov 2014, 11:41 pm

khaoz wrote:
Everything the majority of Americans support, Conservative politicians are against.

Conservative politicians have stated outright that they are going to sabotage everything Obama attempts, make sure Americans suffer because of their obstruction, while they wage a campaign to convince the low information, incapable of thinking for themselves American voter that everything they, Conservative politicians are doing to HURT Americans, is the fault of Obama. And stupid American voters, the majority of those having no idea whatsoever how our government operates, fell for it hook, line and sinker and STILL voted against their own interests

While there are Democrat and Republican "low information voters," I am under the impression that most low information voters vote Democrat. That's why Democrats do better during presidential elections--because the less knowledgeable and less civics-minded people are more likely to feel compelled to vote. Also, Obama won re-election in 2012 despite the laundry list of fantastic screw-ups, lies, scandals, cover-ups, incompetence, and lack of accountability. This is because some voters are not informed about politics, nor are they willing or able to think their positions through. The voters who are swayed by the left's "war on women" and "conservatives are racist" nonsense are the problem. If every voter had to answer one of three randomly selected questions from the citizen test before being allowed to vote, Obama would not have had a chance in 2012, even with all of the Democrats' shady voting shenanigans.


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17 Nov 2014, 11:44 pm

American wrote:
The voters who are swayed by the left's "war on women" and "conservatives are racist" nonsense are the problem. If every voter had to answer one of three randomly selected questions from the citizen test before being allowed to vote, Obama would not have had a chance in 2012, even with all of the Democrats' shady voting shenanigans.

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