My ultimate rant against pretty much everything.
To whom it may concern,
Contrary to popular belief, you are not entitled to your so-called opinion on how I manage my lifestyle as you insist on calling it because it?s entirely none of your business. You don?t get to have an opinion on how I define myself because you don?t know me, what I do, and what I have been through. I don?t care if you are a blind church pastor leading the blind, a fake news reporter, some bigwig CEO, a poorly assigned school teacher, senator, or even governor or some other paranoid official, another misguided student, or a washed up entertainer. You have your lives and I have mine, and as long as it is not with any of you it doesn't affect you one single bit. The cold hard truth is that it doesn't matter if your ?opinion? is your own and different from mine but how well it stacks up in the present, and once the scales have been weighed against you, it?s time for you to shut up and sit back down.
You have no right to tell me that I am going to hell or deny my ability to marry or adopt because I don?t follow the religion or traditions that you chose for yourself and yourself alone. I?m not obligated to respect your cruddy religious beliefs just because I refuse to conform to them and it is not bigoted for me to harshly criticize you for allowing yourself to be collected into your selectively unmitigated ?truths? and to become just another cultural stereotype. Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to find God without being absorbed into your organizations and you should try it sometime. Personally, I don?t care if God exists or not because I won?t be a hundred percent sure until I die; nobody will.
Let me ask you something; how do you know that every single LGBT matches with their stereotypes and that every single child actually wants a mother and father? How can you be so sure that being in a ?traditional? marriage has the best results and you do know that not everyone conforms to gender roles? I?ll say this as many times as it takes, not everyone follows the same idea of tradition that you do! Some kids are raised by people who are not married or seeing anyone, people of two completely different races, people of the same sex, and people who are of the opposite or neutral gender. This ultimately means that not just yours, but everyone?s definition of marriage is pointless because no one owns it and there are families who ignore that and get along just fine without your approval or ?support,? and the sooner we all realize that the better.
Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body and who I share it with just because you find it unnatural, self-destructive, icky, or whatever? If you are that adamant into believing that I am going to make the sky fall one day, you do that on the privacy of your own property and away from the people who are making better progress into what makes humans and their bodies and interactions really tick. You can practice your religion, just don?t get your tights in a wad and cry ?intolerance,? ?bully,? or ?political correctness? because not everyone follows them. You can raise your perfect family and have nothing to do with us as long as you back off and leave others to raise theirs.
That?s right, over my preference for people of my same sex is a human being who is just as capable of the same things you can, sometimes even better and that?s what has you so afraid, isn?t it? You?re afraid of someone finally proving you?re supposed undisputed facts wrong and being able to raise children who live almost twice as fulfilling lives as yours, thus causing your whole world to come crashing down around you. Well, I am here to tell you that it?s alright because this was never a competition over who was better at raising families and I?m no boogeyman. I have no interest whatsoever in climbing in your window and snatching your people up trying to rape them. You don?t have to hide your kids and hide your wife and hide your husband because I won?t be raping anybody out here or anywhere else.
If you think I am forcing some political agenda, here is a newsflash: Some people have no political affiliation! I don?t care about the left or the right or their dirty schemes for this country and its economy, market, healthcare, education, media, military, or guns you own or whatever. Heck, I don?t even care about the country itself; it?s just a piece of land to me! I just want to write comics while being able to freely explore what makes me me on the side without your propaganda and I have no interest in raising a kid. I admit that I am a hedonist as I live for material pleasures and aesthetics for I believe that life is all about finding pleasure.
I could probably say the same for you as I am kind of ashamed that you would let yourself become so paranoid that you would politicize yourself and actively force everyone to comply with it. I am not asking to be friends because you?re already way out of style for my tastes. I just want you to leave me and everyone else who doesn?t want to be a part of your congregation alone. You?ve found your spot in life, now let us find ours. I am not an idea, I am a human being with desires, feelings, and abilities, and if you decide to act against us when by no means have ever wanted to act against you, then I will fight you until I get what I want.
You can reject me, but you will not oppose me.
?And don?t think that this marginalized social group that once filled me inspiration until it suddenly copped out and dashed them into bits is off the hook, either. Something has been telling me that you people have never really put all of your heart into your struggles even after all of the suffering done to you and your youths and all of the strides you made into finding your place in life, and it has left a majorly desensitizing effect to say the least. Has it all been a sham, do you not want to be free from social discrimination so you can express yourself in your own unique way or do you want to outright assimilate your very being into the exact political collective that is oppressing you so you can do the same? Some of you have actually allowed yourselves to be bought out by these groundless assumptions that what you do is merely a choice and that you are twice as bigoted for refuting them all so everyone can keep hugging the giant double-edged, blood-soaked, , and forbiddingly unchallenged teddy bear of ?free speech? that they so adore. Are some of you even satisfied with being kicked around like dirt simply because you are different from the norm?
I don't know if it's Stockholm Syndrome or what, but there are a growing number of people in my group who would rather, instead of standing up for themselves fully capable humans and bringing bigotry to justice, they roll over and let it happen for the dumbest reasons. It's their problem they are so bigoted in the first place; they have nothing to "disagree" with because it has absolutely nothing to do with them. It's always about that with them, it's all about agreement or disagreement what they have nothing to do with. Instead of reminding the bigots that they do speak for them...well, they let hem speak for them.
Feel free to call this radically anti-American if you want, but patriotism and nationalism are all overrated for me because I don?t need to worship some piece of land to make my own destiny.
Do you pay no mind to letting corrupt corporate honchos donate to horrible and unscrupulous groups that expressly want you put in chains and shipped out of the country like your wild animals? Do you think nothing of the people who would dare call themselves teachers to kick your confused children to curb and tell them that they will never have a purpose in life unless they turn to religion? Are you that lenient to allow important school events that are held to spread awareness of bullying to be disrespectfully interrupted by the same hatred that puts dozens more of them under and to be wildly misconstrued as a celebration of your ?unnatural lifestyle?? Are you happy to compromise what has naturally made you and you alone up for the sake of finding some mythical ?middle ground?? Please tell me that deep down that this was never how you wanted your life to go, to throw it all away or to have it politicized it for our parties? materialistic desires to obliterate each other for their own selfish designs for domination?
If that is true, that you have no qualms with exchanging your own personal life goals that you probably had for your selfish political beliefs, then you go right ahead. Go ahead and let yourself and everyone else to let their very bodies to be contested over and be sucked into our political gladiator games that deep down never mattered to you? because you don?t deserve it.
You don?t deserve to define yourself!
You don?t deserve to be unique!
You don?t deserve to be an individual!
You don?t deserve to be free!
And you don?t deserve my empathy?
I know full well that our modus has always been to protect and not to destroy, but do you not owe it to yourself and those like you who have so far as to be left on the streets for who you are to erase these venomous falsities? And do not tell me that we should give our opponents some semblance of a chance to justify their irrational fears that are grounded in stereotypical superstition for that is the ultimate form of dishonesty and halfheartedness. They have had all the time in the world to reflect and study upon their actions and I have tried to see things from their point of view, but they bungled it and it is impossible. Why should anyone concede to someone else?s prosaic life choice just to sacrifice the individuality that we were born with, that all of humanity was born with?! There is nothing ?free? about submitting to someone else?s intrusion in the name of a double-ended idea.
When someone is attacking you for who you are for either not coinciding with their traditions and religions or being just plain nuts and or trying to prevent you from living your life the way you want to, YOU DO NOT ROOT FOR THEM!! Like I said before, if you are actually willing to surrender what that is totally subjective to your person and let it be placed on center stage instead of your capabilities as a caretaker for someone else?s absolutism or superstition because ?everyone?s entitled to their opinion?, then you deserve to feel like a burden and you've earned your place as a robot.
I don?t know if you have noticed, but there will always be those who do not have the same thick skin that you do! There will always be someone who will be hurt whenever someone tells them that they will burn in hell for following their natural instincts until they take their own life as millions have before us, so you shouldn?t be so arrogant and tell them to get over it. Wasn't that why we were all in this together in the first place, to address the suicide epidemic because our kids were dropping like flies because they had nowhere to turn in their time of need? I guess it doesn't matter after all that words have killed millions of confused youths in the name of religion. I suppose it wasn't the war that certain peoples have waged on our curious children that united us, or have they already been indoctrinated, too?
Well, I don?t know what to do now that you people have now decided to be assimilated into our politics. I stood by you because I thought that your interests in self-discovery were incredibly unique even though I understood that some of you were not. I was planning on something special as a tribute to you and your plight but I suppose that won?t be necessary anymore. I guess it wouldn't be worth it anyway since I was already beaten to the punch by ?Northstar? and other comic book characters like him. It was going to be heartwarming, funny, and slightly adrenal, but if you are now satisfied with people ?disagreeing with your unnatural lifestyle? for everyone?s stupid ?free speech? then all I can say is adios.
I have been by your side so long that I can hardly even remember, but after sitting back for awhile and looking back on everything that has happened and reflecting on what we were fighting for in the first place, I have begun to think that everything has been a lie. I think that I have come realize a number of things about are supposed struggles. I think I have finally figured how totally pointless all of this fighting is!
All of our debates have been completely pointless!
It was never about opinions or beliefs!
It was never about free speech!
And it was never about tolerance!
Everything that has been said about marriage and parenting is totally irrelevant because it is an entirely private matter that does not affect anyone except those who take part in it! Yet, for some reason you still coddle those who you do not relate to and want to condemn and prevent you from obtaining happiness because you don?t fit into the traditions that they chose for themselves and themselves alone! It was never about supporting one lifestyle or the other because everyone chooses their own path in life, but here we are and look at the ?culture war? that has resulted! You were never obligated to bend over for someone else because you don?t follow their traditions and beliefs and yet you do it anyway because ?Hey, everyone?s entitled to their opinion.?
You have your family and I have mine so ultimately you can take your ?opinion? and ?beliefs? and shove them because I have nothing to do with you! Your beliefs do not dictate me, you have no right to have a say in what I do, and if you do then there is going to be big trouble! This is my life, this is who I am, and you don?t get to have an opinion for it!
Whatever you self-righteously say or think about me is pointless because I'm not you and I am happy with myself. Screw what you believe and screw what you think is right. I don't care who you are; Senator, CEO, pastor, washed up entertainer, random nobody or idiot, or what. You don't get to have your say and you don't get to feel how you feel about me.
This is my life, this is my choice, and you're not a part of it.
You think you're carrying out justice or upholding the law, but let me tell you, you all could not further from the truth. If anyone is forcing an agenda down everyone's throats, it's you lot! In fact, I would say that I am forcing your agenda back down your throats! Yeah, turns out that I'm not as weak-spirited as you like to make out everyone else who is like me, am I?
If you think that you can think or say whatever you want about me, then I'm sorry to tell you that contrary to popular belief, you don't. I don't follow you're click and whatever system or code that comes with it, so therefore the only thing your accomplishing is sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. What you say or think about me and others like me is ultimately pointless because it has nothing to do with me.
I'm not obligated in any way shape or form to bow down to your little congregation. You chose that route for yourself and yourself alone so it doesn't matter to me one bit. If I think something is stupid, you bet I'm going to let you know. I may even insult you because, honestly, being considered a lesser or denied something just because I'm different is insulting enough. If I am ever restricted because I don't conform to whatever made up norm that you and only you are a part of, I will proudly shout that I do not believe in those norms.
It's not about opinions or beliefs because it has nothing to do with what is what's true or false or right or wrong. Nothing that you hold as either sacred or normal ultimately doesn't matter because you're looking at someone who doesn't believe in it. Everyone besides you is off doing there own thing, living their own life, forming their own families, and spending time with people they love, all without a care of what is "right" or "natural" or "traditional." But then again, you all probably wouldn't know that because you're so hell bent on putting your way preciously up on a pedestal where it can be worshiped where everyone has to see it even if they don't want to.
Let me repeat again.
You don't get to have an opinion because I'm not you.
You don't get to have your say unless your looking for recognition and nothing else.
You don't get to defend anything except your pathetically fragile sense of security.
And you don't get to pick a side except your own
It's never been about any of these things and you have never had the right to any of these things. People like me have been getting together and living life the way they want to ever since the beginning of time.
Oh, and let me tell you that I never asked for their "support," anyone's "support," because the only thing they're interested in is fulfilling their own sense of "change."
Personally, I don't give a damn whether the god you praise exists or not.
Left or right, conservative or liberal, they're both one and the same.
You guys think I'm nothing without your god and they think I'm nothing without them.
To you, I'm a sinner.
To them, I'm a tool.
I don't need them babying me because I'm smart enough to learn and think and feel and decide what's best for myself.
I can take care of myself.
That's the problem with you all.
You seem to only care about what's popular or not. You seem so interested in appealing to some other collective if it means feeling all the more secure. And you are all so busy worrying about what other people are doing instead of worrying about yourselves.
It's never been about you.
Unless your asking for something as small as a phone call or a bit wider in scale, say a coup d' e'tat, you better watch who you talk down to. You can take all of your beliefs and morals and whatever you think you have the right to, and shove 'em all up your ass.
It's always about popularity, isn't it?
It's always about approval, isn't it?
Alright, then, allow me to chip in.
You want the ultimate unpopular belief? Here goes nothing!
This country. Everything about it. The people that make and made it up and everything they promote, from freedom to tolerance to unity to patriotism to tradition to equality to change to whatever.
I don't care.
I don't care for any of it.
In fact, I despise it all.
I don't care for everyone's obsession with upholding these arbitrary little things they call "rights," "morals," "values," and "beliefs" because all they do is serve the ego and make everyone feel like their world changers when in reality it's all just an illusion created around us to make us conform to one way of thinking or another. We never needed any of these but the powerful insisted because they want to instill a sense of power and keep control.
We never needed to submit our lifestyles or ideas to anybody for any sake. We made them for ourselves and if we liked them, then we liked them, and if we didn't then we simple changed them. The reason people get upset over unpopularity is just that, their jealous of what's popular, and the same goes for the other way around.
It's all so pathetically self-righteous and overly romantic.
I don't care for everyone's obsession with both popularity and unpopularity, either. Everyone keeps caring about what the person next to them is saying or thinking instead of themselves and saying that this or that is being shoved down their throat. They also keep worrying about what's out, too, because they want to feel important.
Well, guess what?
That's exactly what I think about this country's constitution, so how do you think I feel?!
You know what?
I don't even call this place a country because that is what people call to give it some arbitrary significance. To me, it's just a piece of land where I've made my home that unfortunately have to share with other individuals who have chosen to bind themselves to all of these holy notions.
I don't care for democracy, republicanism, conservativism, or liberalism, because all it comes down to is making appeals to everyone who is not me and giving everyone the chance to enforce their way of thinking onto the next person. I don't give two cares about the economy, religion, gun control, the media, the military and the war, or either the left or the right and their dirty schemes.
I only care about living my life to its fullest.
You want me to say more unpopular things? Here ya go.
You don't get to feel how you feel about me because I'm not you. You're not entitled to your so-called opinion on how I live my life, and I don't care what the reason is. I'm not going to be tolerant or respectful of anything that restricts me of living my life to the possible fullest.
It's never been about freedom of this or that.
It's never been about belief.
It's never been about popularity or recognition.
It's about discovering or creating yourself the way you and yourself alone want to.
The sooner we all realize how insignificant we uphold ourselves in this universe, the sooner we can shed off this skin and evolve into our truest forms.
Democracy and free speech are both overrated and I'd personally be happier without them.
Among many other concepts and all aside from their incessant glorifying, these two both needlessly promote a cycle of collective competition of popularity and productivity and demote personal independence and responsibility. Indeed, they are responsible for what is presently our broken, brutal, and bloody two party system of Democrat vs. Republican and Liberal vs. Conservative. I find the notion that humans are required to duel their ideas under the score of dominance is ironically no different than the nationalism of the Britain of yore. Pardon my revisionism, if it be judged so, but instead of as this brilliant beacon of universal freedom, was America not founded on solely as a nation that separated from its dominant collective so that its people could rule themselves?
For what is popular, I can also say the same for what is unpopular. I must reemphasize that we never needed to submit our lifestyles or ideas for nobody's sake except our own private one. We made them for ourselves and ourselves alone and if we liked them, then we liked them, and if we didn't then we simply changed them. Just because something is considered popular or unpopular does not make them any more or less significant except perceptively in the culture that they form in.
Even originality is unoriginal.
In the end, it does not come down to which is popular or not, and all of our ideas can be considered arbitrary to the outside if found undesirable. Instead of merely serving the ego, it ultimately comes down to simply living our lives to our choosing. If all of this be deemed "Un-American," "unpatriotic," or even "unpopular," in which case I feel that my point has been proven, then go and deem it so.
Here are some more things I want to say.
"Political Correctness" does not exist. It's just a term made up by the powerful so they can blame someone else for the their bigotry and there is no such thing as the thought police. You say something hateful about me and who I am and what I do, I'm going to make sure it's corrected because, contrary to popular belief, you don't get to "believe" what you want about people who aren't you.
So yeah, don't give me those free country and Orwell lines of crap.
I'm not like everyone else.
I'm not some blind idiot who goes around bowing down to other people.
If you think that the way I live is immoral or disgusting and that I shouldn't be allowed to live the way I want to, you can bet your sweet ass that I will go on the attack!
I don't care about your beliefs or your feelings because I'm not you!
This who I am and you don't get to have your say in it!
You've never had the right to have your say in it and you've never had the right to defend yourself!
Now back to the group that I thought had my back.
I have never felt so manipulated, so used, and so betrayed in all my life...
I thought you people wanted to be free.
I thought you people wanted to stand up for yourselves.
I thought you people wanted to live the lives that each of you wanted to live.
But was I wrong.
Boy, was I dead wrong.
Like I said, you people are absolutely worthless.
I don't know what twisted sense of logic you all follow, but it needs to end.
For instance, there is a world of a difference between loving thy enemy and straight up being a traitor.
When this group gets attacked, they don't take crap.
They fight back until they're given a just apology and what is wrong is corrected again.
When this group is lied about, they don't take crap either.
In fact, they work nonstop to expose those lies and to tell the truth about themselves, like real humans.
Unlike what some other people may believe, they fight to protect and not to destroy.
Go ahead and call them defensive or paranoid, but they know how to stand up for themselves.
You guys roll over!
You people put on a mask and let the other side have their way with you!
You people need to step up and make it clear that these people have no right to mess with you.
They never had and they never will.
You people have allowed a whole millennium's worth of lies to blind you and keep you in a place that is not meant for you.
Wake up and take your true place!
None of you care about defining yourselves at all.
You care about appeasing your haters and tormentors just to save face in the name of "tolerance."
You don't care about being yourself.
You care about following someone else's ideals like "freedom" until you become a slave to it.
You don't care about self-respect.
You care about giving into the demands of parties that think they can tell you what to do because of their stupid "beliefs."
Well, guess what?
I'm not falling for it!
I'm not you.
I'm me.
You don't define me.
I define me.
I don't care about you or what you say or believe.
If you want to follow those types of crowds, go right ahead.
Less of you.
More for me.
Opinion, belief, morality, values, entitled, right.
I have grown to despise all these words because they are all just empty assumptions based on simple human perception. They have no meaning because they have nothing to do with what is true or false or right or wrong, but people give them power just by imagining them from their own perspective and through creating a fake sense of power and asserting it as the standard, it has a pseudo-meaning. For instance, when someone tells me that my sexuality is immoral or wrong or detrimental to society or what have you, I usually tell this person to screw off because it has nothing to do with me. I say the same thing to those who want to "support" me because they either think I'm necessary for some long needed change or that I'm not capable to think and feel and learn how to take care of myself.
Everyday, youths are being programmed to think in one way or another.
Like machines, they are inserted with what is to be their unquestionable prime directive.
They are indoctrinated into a petty conflict of interests between black and white, what is supposedly good versus what is supposedly evil.
Man's cruelty to himself is legendary, but so is his ability to transcend himself. Man has always had the power to evolve from his ego, to rise above the very morality and logic that he himself constructed.
Instead of simply believing, they could learn to know.
For the world was made for man and man was made for the world.
I'm just a means to an end, is that it?
I'm a necessary tool for some grand ideal, right?
I'm not someone who can think and feel for himself, right?
This is my lot in life, right?
Well, what if I told you that's all a huge load?
What if I told you that you are gear?
What if I told you that the "common good" isn't my good?
What if I told that I'm smarter than you think I am?
And what if I told you that both you and I can make are own destinies?
What then?
Tell me.
No, instead let me ask one more.
What are you fighting for?
Why does it always have to be about morals?
Why does it always have to be about right and wrong and taking sides?
Why does it always have to be about agreeing and disagreeing?
What is the the point of contesting and upholding all of these "norms" if others did not grow up with them?
What is the point of glorifying, upholding, and respecting all of these egotistical little things?
Everyone is always projecting their morals and such on everyone else. If they were real people, they would all realize that they do not apply to everyone and that people are intelligent enough to define themselves instead of advocating some sort of "golden standard." What is especially infuriating is when that supposed standard is disregarded, the people who do disregard are considered radicals, bullies, and other horrid things. I don't see how any worse the side that wants to break free can be than the side that is always persecuting what is different, except for maybe letting their anger get the better of them.
Also, don't you think things would be so much better if people stopped giving issues names and public attention and just let other people fight their own battles and speak for themselves? Stop calling it this and stop talking making a big deal out of it so people won't be so divided and upset. Those in power definitely would also not be able to inject their morals and look down on everyone who wanted to break free. Plus, If only some people could learn to quit considering the opposition in matters that don't call for them and just assert themselves for their own sake, they would be unstoppable and so much happier. I don't see how being yourself, rejecting standards, and following your own path calls for dissent, yet everyone seems to to be jumping all over it. I've actually grown to hate that word because when I tell other people that they can't tell me how to live my life and I'm called intolerant.
Anyone who wants to prevent me from living my life the way I want to doesn't deserve to be themselves.
Nobody has ever had that "right" and nobody ever will.
Anyway, I have something to say to everyone who either says or thinks the following of me:
I'm sinful
I'm unnatural
I'm threatening your traditions
I'm disgusting
I'm worthless
I'm radical
and I'm intolerant
Shut your trap and go die in a million fires.
All of you.
I will never compromise and I will never tolerate you viewing me as a lesser for who I am and I will never value you as the same in return.
So, to hell with tolerance and to hell with dialogue and to hell with you lot, your feelings, and your beliefs.
I don't have to and I don't want to...and you can't make me.
Now, why don't you all kindly BACK OFF AND GET YOUR OWN LIFE!
This rant is brought to you by almost a decade of pent up aggression.

Joined: 18 Mar 2014
Age: 60
Gender: Female
Posts: 481
Location: Sydney, Australia

Joined: 17 Sep 2014
Age: 54
Gender: Female
Posts: 6,746
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
I'm sinful
I'm unnatural
I'm threatening your traditions
I'm disgusting
I'm worthless
I'm radical
and I'm intolerant
Shut your trap and go die in a million fires.
Yeah, I wouldn't bother with them either. One can only compromise so much and some people ask too much.
You have a lot of passion.
I sincerely hope you can reconcile that with the daily requirements of living in a society.
Take gentle care.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)
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