bullied by Muslims
At my work I am surrounded by people that I view as brutes. I'm a people hater so that might be why. I don't know if it's accurate to see them as brutes, but that's what I do. Anyway that's beside the point.
Ok, so at work I'm surrounded by brutes. Almost all of them are Muslim. Or so they claim. However most of them are not particularly pious, quite the opposite, they aren't interested in much else than doing sinful things.
These people ostracize me.
I have been thinking about why they do that. Why are they so nice to each other and a lot of times as*holes to me?
In Islam there are text passages saying both that a Muslim should be hard on unbelievers but humble on believers, and that people treat you badly if you are an unbeliever. If I'm not mistaken.
I have been thinking a lot about this. It sometimes feels like they are a conspiracy against me, all of them being on the inside and me on the outside. However, not all of them are Muslim. And why is it that I am ostracized even though it seems to me many of them are more sinful than I am?
I have even wondered if I am a Jew, and that it is like it says in the Bible I think it was that Jews are punished 7 times more for the same sins. As a matter of fact I have even wondered why there are so many Muslims migrating into my country now, does it have anything to do with me?
Yeah, I already know what most, if not all, on this forum are going to say. That I'm schizophrenic and that it's BS or stupid etc. In my view that is groupthink and closed-mindedness. That's why I think most of you are perhaps Jews in Egypt whereas I might be a Jew in Babylon or something like that. I live in Sweden. Don't know how accurate this graph I found is:
Just found this article that I haven't read yet, saying that Israel exports African illegal immigrants to Sweden. A lot of times I feel like I am Israel, or that Israel is a reflection of me. In this case all the Muslims surrounding it and not liking it is a clear similarity.
http://englishnews.org/european-news/th ... weden.html
Something that I find interesting is that I probably am something like autistic or schizotypal whereas my workmates seem to be quite neurotypical. I also find it interesting that most of them are pretty much the description of mesotonic and I am pretty much the description of ectotonic, in this article. Most Muslims to me appear to have more or less of the mesotonic traits.
Well, Muslims have a very strong in-group/out-group way of thinking, regardless of whether or not they are pious, and if they see you as out-group, they will be nasty to you. The more conservative they are (in terms of lip-service, not behavior), the more abusive they are toward anyone they see as "out-group."
This is going to be true of any group of people with similar tendencies in how they think, including white Christian groups in certain regions of the US who are hostile toward anyone who 1) isn't white and 2) doesn't say "and like Jesus says," to justify the majority of behaviors that would have pissed off the Jesus from the Gospels. Yeah, they're crazy.
Basically, the only way you can deal with it is to use the way of thinking, "Well, tolerant Muslims, tolerant Christians, tolerant Jews, members of non-Abrahamic belief systems, and tolerant atheists are one group," and take it from there. The difficulty is how to pull this off...
Try making positive remarks about the achievements of Muslims whom you think represents how the group can be a very tolerant, open-minded group of people, and compare them with Christians, Buddhists and non-religious thinkers. Make a big deal of how the individuals from all of these groups are all similar, and fuss over how those kinds of people are all alike. This would tell your Muslim coworkers that you are trying to identify with them. Even if it comes across to your own ears as strained and awkward, don't worry: they'll get it. They aren't stupid.
Also, affirm how different strains and forms of thought in Islam can be different. The way people think if their "in-group" is that members of their in-group are more diverse.
It may seem elementary, but affirming that there are different ways of thinking, among Muslims, affirms that you are accepting toward them and that you are inviting them to be a part of your particular in-group if they are inclined to be. There is at least one thread here that discusses different schools of thought in Islam.
The reason it works is that affirming their diversity affirms each of them as freethinking individuals, which both gives them individual status (the benefit) and the trade-off, which is the associated obligation to prove that their particular way of thinking can be most beneficial to you, which could create an atmosphere of competition for your positive regard.
You could also try showing a passing interest in learning more about Islam, and pay the most attention to two or three of them who are most respectful toward you. Be very firm on the bias: the ones who don't try to compete for your positive regard, be very formal and cold with them, which means being uniformly polite...but frosty. The ones who show you more positive regard, be more honest and plain with them...more "human," less like a machine with canned remarks.
Learning to understand these concepts intuitively, beyond my poor and feeble attempts to explain them, will help you become very powerful.
I am a practising Muslim and I can say that those "muslims" don't have any character at all so don't let them give you a bad image of Islam. Maybe they are racist.
Those passages in the Quran refer to being harsh to the disbelieving forces in the battlefied. Allah says to the rest of the people that we should be kind and just as Allah says (Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.)
If nobody will give a s**t about me, then I will give a s**t about me.
I hate those kind of people. I'm muslim and I never treat people that way and I hate to see people treated that way and I don't like being involved with people of that kind. I get an image of what kind they might be or how do they behave; they sound like those people who I'd see as show offs or insecure, liking to group on to feel more secure about themselves and be mean to others who are not in a group or who are in a smaller group to make them feel more secure or powerful and I mostly ignore those kind of people and if they're mean I'm mean back to them. I like this thing I was told as a kid "if someone hits you hit them back and if someone tries to be mean to you be meaner to them" lol.
Pretty much all Muslims, if not all, that I have met have been simple-minded jocks. I have studied the religion and it seems to me to be a religion for neurotypicals.
But I get a very strange feeling a lot of times, like solipsism. Like it's not by chance that there are a lot of Muslims flooding my country, but rather it's happening in connection to my inner mind, some kind of projection of my mind or something. And this thing that I described, them more or less bullying me, seems to be a key part of the dynamic. I compare it to how I have tried to understand the role of the Catholic Church. Basically I believe the Catholic Church is based on gaining as much power as possible because people are enlightened by oppression, and that it is a tool of the Jews. Muslim immigration seems to me to serve quite a similar function. I feel like I'm splitting up into two people. One part of me, the outer part, converts to Islam simply to avoid confrontation and go along to get along. That's my lower self perhaps, the part of me I want to escape. The inner part of me, the higher self perhaps, is a seeker and wants to escape the hell of the lower self. For some reason I feel like the more the higher self grows, i.e. the more I am initiated, the more the lower self shrinks. It seems like the bullying and oppression of the lower self might be part of the initiation process. A lot of times I wonder what is real and what isn't.
I think that the movie The Big Lebowski might be about these things I'm talking about. It appears to be a movie full of hidden meanings, influenced by Freemasonry. There are two Lebowskis, one millionaire and one loser. I am going to watch the movie again and try to decipher it.
Never saw religion as some kind of thing which only people with one state of mind or way of thinking would share.
Never saw religion as some kind of thing which only people with one state of mind or way of thinking would share.
Ok. To me it seems like different religions attract different people, because the religions are different. And different parts of humanity or the world also have different mental characteristics. Some countries have more extrovert people, some more introvert, for example. Even though there are variations within them there are still general trends. I am very introvert and that appears to be related to my indecisiveness, for example in choosing a religion, which I feel like I don't want to do (but rather keep seeking), and also to avoiding confrontation.
It's funny though, this thing about avoiding confrontation. I'm mixed. Most of the time, certainly IRL, I do avoid confrontation. But I have noticed that I have another side too, which is almost based around seeking confrontation you could say, where being politically correct and well-adjusted is the opposite of what I want. I tend to feel very uncomfortable around people that I see are comfortable. This seems to trigger almost an automatic response in me that makes me try to shake people out of their comfort and groupthink, to get some benefit out of interacting with the sleeping people, and alternatively, if that is hopeless, make me ostracized, banned or so, which makes me keep seeking. Which seems to be a good thing since the sleeping comfortable groupthinkers were not the place I was meant to be, they had served their purpose for me and I moved on.
I personally think that there might be universal truths in all religions. But it also seems to me that different religions are different for a reason, that they were either created for different parts of humanity or they grew up organically as fitting different parts of humanity. These different religions then appear to interact with each other in complex ways, some form of dialectic, similar to political systems etc. This is part of the reason I don't feel like picking a side, or fighting for anything. I don't care about the world, I just observe it. My lower self might care, more or less superficially, especially if these Muslims keep bullying me etc. However that is only my outer shell, my inner mind will just be sitting inside that Muslim shell, not giving a damn about the outer shell, and hoping the outer shell dies.
An interesting aspect of my philosophizing is the decline of the white race and the white countries. It seems like Sweden will be a Muslim country soon. But this makes me wonder what this means. Does it mean that the white race is ascending and it will convert to Islam, and this will entail a split into two parts of humanity, an upper and a lower. The lower being the Muslim on Earth, and the upper being some higher self, connected to the soul or collective consciousness or something. Where individuals on Earth are like the toes of a giant human, Islam being just like nerve impulses in the toes, while the head is somewhere else and concerned with something greater, even though the toes serve a purpose, and the head needs them. This might then be accomplished through a coercing force, Jihad or so. Possibly those whites who don't comply die in the process and might reincarnate.
Or will it be something else. Perhaps a situation where the Muslim immigrants are less evolved than the whites and therefore they have more reincarnations ahead of them. And the reason the white areas are becoming Muslim is because the Muslim immigrants, who have to keep living to evolve, will be there, whereas the whites have either ascended out of the material plane, the Earth, aka hell, or alternatively reincarnated for those who didn't make it or had to keep evolving.
I don't care about the future of the planet. I have no desire whatsoever to have children. I hate my parents. I think of procreation as something only unevolved people do.
There are many possibilities and I don't know anything.
Another thing I have wondered about is how much of my perception of these people, and Muslims in general, as simple-minded jocks, brutes, having that mesotonic insensitive mentality, is a direct result of me being an extremely sensitive paranoid introvert? That might also be just two sides of the same coin. Kind of like women are attracted to a certain type of men, but it could also be said that those men have the qualities to attract those women, two sides of the same coin perhaps. I have wondered if extreme sensitivity is the basis of the statement that Jews will be punished 7 times more than others for the same sins.
In case nobody read the link about somatotypes, here are the passages about mesotonic and ectotonic mentality:

In endotonia the stomach was the focus of attention, but in mesotonia it is the muscles. The mesotonic is well-endowed with them, or to put it another way, the mesotonic's muscles seem to have a mind of their own. They are always ready for action, and good posture is natural to them. They get up with plenty of energy and seem tireless. They can work for long periods of time and both need and like to exercise. They like to be out doing things. If they are forced into inactivity they become restless and dejected.
The mesotonic tends to eat his food rapidly and somewhat randomly, often neglecting set meal times. He sleeps the least of the three types and sometimes contents himself with six hours. He is an active sleeper who thrashes about. He shows an insensitivity to pain and a tendency to high blood pressure and large blood vessels.
The mesotonic has no hesitation in approaching people and making known his wants and desires. The tendency to think with his muscles and find exhilaration in their use leads him to enjoy taking chances and risks, even when the actual gain is well-known to be minimal. They can become fond of gambling and fast driving and are generally physically fearless. They can be either difficult and argumentative, or slow to anger, but always with the capacity to act out physically and usually with some sort of history of having done so on special occasions.
This physical drive manifests itself on the psychological level in a sense of competition. The mesotonic wants to win and pushes himself forward. He is unhesitant about the all-out pursuit of the goal he seeks. Associated with this trait is a certain psychological callousness. He tends to walk roughshod over the obstacles in his path and the people who stand in the way of his achieving what he wants. On the positive side this is called being practical and free from sentimentality, but on the negative side it is called ruthlessness or obnoxious aggressiveness.
This outward energetic flow makes mesotonics generally noisy. They bustle about doing things and since their inhibitions are low, the attendant noise does not bother them. Their voices carry and sometimes boom out as if speech were another form of exercise. When alcohol reduces their inhibitions, they become more assertive and aggressive. When trouble strikes they revert to their most fundamental form of behavior and seek action of some sort. Mesotonics tend to glorify that period of youthful activities where physical powers reach their peak, or perhaps more accurately the period of youth that best symbolizes a sense of endless vitality and activity. This glorification of youth goes hand-in-hand with the early maturing of the mesotonic organism, both facially and muscularly. They look older than their chronological age. The extraversion of action that is so strong here goes together with a lack of awareness of what is happening on the subjective level. The quickness with which the mesotonic can make decisions is compensated for by a relative unawareness of the other parts of his personality. He tends to be cut off from his dream life. He likes wide-open spaces and freedom from the restraint of clothes.
As we saw in the case of the mesomorphic physique, Sheldon's portrait of the mesotonic is more male than female. The female mesotonic shows the same extraversion of action, but how this action expresses itself has a different quality. There is not the same overt physical combativeness and competitive aggressiveness. The action is more muted and flows in more socially acceptable channels. The mesotonic woman should be compared not with mesotonic men but with other women, and it is in relationship to other women that she shows the distinctive mesotonic traits in a feminine way.
Sheldon felt that estimating the degree of mesotonia was the most difficult part of evaluating a person's temperament. At times people with well-developed mesotonia can give the surface appearance of exceptional calmness and amiability. This is particularly true of the extreme mesomorphs of above average height who form a kind of mesomorphic royalty. They expect and get special treatment. Sheldon likened them to big cats who go around with their claws retracted, and only when provoked or in the midst of a crisis does their mesotonia show itself clearly.

The outstanding characteristic of the ectotonic is his finely-tuned receptive system. His spread-out body acts like a giant antenna picking up all sorts of inputs. Sheldon calls the ectotonic a biologically extraverted organism, which is compensated for by psychological introversion. Since the whole organism is sensitive to stimulation, the ectotonic develops a series of characteristic strategies by which he tries to cut down on it. He is like a sonar operator who must constantly be wary of a sudden loud noise breaking in on the delicate sounds he is trying to trace. He likes to cross his legs and curl up as if he is trying to minimize his exposure to the exterior world. He tries to avoid making noise and being subjected to it. He shrinks from crowds and large groups of people and likes small, protected places.
The ectotonic suffers from a quick onset of hunger and a quick satiation of it. He is drawn to a high protein, high calorie diet, with frequent snacking to match his small digestive system. He has a nervous stomach and bowels. He is a quiet sleeper, but a light one, and he is often plagued by insomnia. He tends to sleep on one side with his legs drawn up, and his sleep, though slow in coming, can be hard to shake off. His energy level is low, while his reactions are fast he suffers from a quasi-chronic fatigue and must protect himself from the temptation to exercise heavily. His blood pressure is usually low and his respiration shallow and rapid with a fast and weak pulse. His temperature is elevated slightly above normal and it rises rapidly at the onset of illness. The ectotonic is resistant to many major diseases, but suffers excessively from insect bites and skin rashes. Unfortunately he can succumb to acute streptococcal infections of the throat which cause swelling and strangulation. His hypersensitivity leads not only to quick physical reactions but to excessively fast social reactions as well. It is difficult for this type to keep pace with slow-moving social chit-chat. He races ahead and trips over his own social feet.
Just as the endotonic loves to eat and the mesotonic loves action, the ectotonic loves privacy, and intellectual or mental stimulation. He needs shelter from excessive stimulation and time to sort out the inputs he has received, and connect them up with his own inner subjective experience, which he values highly. Self-awareness is a principle trait of ectotonia. The feelings of the ectotonic are not on display, even though they can be very strong, and so he is sometimes accused of not having any. When they are in a situation of dealing with someone who has authority over them or with someone of the opposite sex whom they are interested in, they often make a poor first impression. They are uncomfortable in coping with social situations where overt expressions of sympathy are called for or where general idle conversation is the norm, for example in parties and dinners where they have no intimate acquaintances.
The ectotonics are hypersensitive to pain because they anticipate it and have a lower pain threshold as well. They do not project their voices like the mesotonics, but focus it to reach only the person they are addressing. They appear younger than their age and often wear an alert, intent expression. They have a late adolescence, consider the latter part of life the best, and are future-oriented. The more extreme ectotonics have a distaste for alcohol and their accentuated consciousness fights alcohol, drugs, anaesthesia and is resistant to hypnosis. They can readily with their dream life and often rich fantasy life. When they become troubled they seek privacy and solitude in order to try to work out the difficulty.
I find it interesting that Neo in The Matrix, Winston in 1984, Truman in The Truman Show and Bernard in Brave New World all were skinny, which is the body type associated with the ectotonic temperament, although the bodytype is just a generalization.
It's also interesting that it says that extreme ectotonics are resistant to hypnosis. That to me appears to be what those books and movies I mentioned are about, and what being a Jew is about, which is why I think those books and movies are about being a Jew.
If there is anything at all to my speculation that there is a connection mesotonic-Muslim ectotonic-Jew, then that might partly explain why Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol whereas Jews are encouraged to drink wine. The mesotonic becomes aggressive when he drinks alcohol, whereas the ectotonic is so extremely mentally inhibited in his normal state of mind that he might need alcohol if he is going to do anything in the world or in relation to others, and not just sink into his own bubble.
When I think about it bullying as a phenomenon appears to go closely hand-in-hand with Muslim philosophy. Because I think bullying serves a purpose. It could be argued that the lack of bullying is the real cause of a lot of mental problems on individual and societal level. This is related to right and left in politics. The lack of bullying, leftism, liberalism, is in my view closely connected to Jewish philosophy. I don't take a stand either way. I find it very interesting.
This is what I find very often with this forum, and many other forums too. That I am discussing with myself. Happens time and time again. Either nobody cares about the things I discuss, or people write something that's only touching on part of what I write, or in some cases people just present their view and then move on, having no interest in a discussion. I remember one time where I intended to debate political arguments, people just presented their view and moved on. Nobody cared about my counterarguments to those arguments, which were intended to keep the discussion going. I see this on and on and on. I wonder why.
There is another thing that is interesting that I notice in myself related to the splitting up into two people. I am pretty much the lowest of the low. Maybe prostitutes, drug dealers and various criminals are a lower class, but other than that I'm probably as low as you can get. OK, there are people admittedly who struggle worse, live in worse conditions etc., sure, but I'm still very low. I even feel that at my menial lower working class job I am the lowest in the hierarchy. I work with the least efficiency, and I'm kind of stupid in many ways. And I feel like I have shrunk over the years.
However, I feel like there is another part of me, that I was perhaps not in contact with before the split occurred. That is perhaps my higher self. While I do feel stupid a lot of times in a lot of ways, and while I don't know people well behind the surface that I encounter, I do feel that I am simultaneously lowest of the low and higher than a lot of people. I feel that all my workmates are simple-minded, and that most people, actually, are simple minded. It's weird. I wonder how many people have a similar situation to me. And I wonder if it's possible to tell when you meet them. I think my kind is usually a loner, might hate his parents, does not want to procreate, and is not interested in football. You will probably not find my kind where you usually find intellectuals, and they might sometimes come across as being simple-minded people. In fact I have sometimes wondered about how simple-minded I am. There have been times in the past when I have been such a simple person people don't find it rewarding to care about me and might even sigh at the experience of having encountered me. A quote from History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell comes to mind:
I have found myself more or less worshiping death increasingly lately. This might be the reason for the oppression from without. I don't know. f*k I'm tired of this s**t life. I just want to f*g die already.
Talking to myself here.
There is another thing that I have been thinking about. I went to a Christian school. I remember one teacher who was a Christian, how she treated me, her attitude towards me, and her mentality in general. I was different from others. Then there was another kid who was different from me in many ways that I was friends with for a while. I don't want to write too much about it in case someone might identify who I am by reading it. It's many years ago now so I only have a vague memory of it. But I was rebellious and hated my parents and classmates and everything. He was similar in some ways, although it seems to me from the little I know of him that he has walked a very different path and he was also very different in many ways, me being the real autistic or schizo in my view, and him being extremely neurotypical but just going through a rebellious phase which might resemble autism and similar conditions slightly, but naturally he falls back to his neurotypical ways. I remember that teacher and how she viewed my classmates, me and that guy. She had a scornful attitude towards me, despite being a love preaching Christian. When I think about her and her views I see her as a useful idiot and the mentally disordered people like myself are the true God's chosen, and they will just disappear into darkness. I think life is relentless suffering, hell, and death is liberation from that. Those useful idiots can have life. I myself don't give a s**t about life. Have it, suit yourselves, useful idiots. f*k I long to die. I won't be missing a single f*g moment of life.