funeralxempire wrote:
Ultimately many of them are. It's not fair to label all Christians or all political conservatives as bigots, but on a number of issues certain elements self-identify as Christians, self-identify as conservatives and display bigotry towards certain groups. Because other self-identified Christians or other self-identified conservatives fail to challenge their bigoted counterparts it's assumed these views are shared by the entire group.
Why is it fair to call a spade a spade?
Substitute 'Muslim' for 'Christian' and 'terrorist' for 'bigot', and tell me you still support the generalization, especially the failure to condemn equals condoning part.
funeralxempire wrote:
You're both sorta right. The same ones who get media attention often have access to power, so that's what makes them matter and influence people's perceptions.
It seems to me more like the media pays attention to the craziest of the bunch because it gets view/clicks and fits the assumptions of the people who work in media, sorta like how it's always the nut in the tricorn hat that get's interviewed at the Tea Party rally and not the well spoken guy in conventional clothing, or how they always managed to find the dirtiest hippie to film when OWS was around.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez