ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Every time I turn around, I am reading something different on climate change, all of it conflicting each other. What I think will eventually happen is, scientists will figure out a way to control weather and climate and this will just be another one of those non issues.
I have no fear of progress or that Brave New World so I welcome such developments. I would much rather see mankind control it than to have them argue about whether it is relevant or not Ad Infinitum et ultra.
Think of the size motor required to run your fridge, or your airconditioner, and think of the area it covers. I'm guessing you'd need equipment in a similar size ratio to control the weather and climate for the planet. In which case, you'd need a machine the size of the USA to do just that. Maybe you'll gain efficiencies of scale and only need a machine the size of the eastern states. Still, a bloody big machine - and then there's the problem of powering it.
As for the contradictions in climate science, I see them too, but that's more the nature of weather. What isn't in contradiction are the measurements and trends.
I saw a documentary about 12 years ago, which debunked climate change as a myth. It was chilling in its detail and made me angry that I'd been duped. But then scientists challenged that documentary, forcing the guy behind it to admit that his data was his own projections, not the true data. The true data disproved him and proved climate change was real.
Media hype and speculation has muddied the water, in the same way that hype and speculation has stopped people getting immunized.
I'm not blind to your facial expression - but it may take me a few minutes to comprehend it.
A smile is not always a smile.
A frown is not always a frown.
And a blank look rarely means a blank mind.