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14 Mar 2007, 8:05 am

Well Iran seems immenent doesn't it? -or does it.

If you have been reading up on my theories, then you know my standpiont on the earth as a Biological Experiment....

Iran/Iraq -> beholders of civil society as it once was at the time of the wheel. (Note to Middle Eastern Reader -> I am trying not to be derogidory, but the blatant phrase is stronger than the civil word)

--Now the US (the pun being us, you and me) are the combination of all the races of the world, the first Autisitcs that left thier social home to start a new...US have built the World as it is today.. to the betterment of the free society all over the world.

The Problem that has been developing for the last 20years, with the advent of the internet and Satellite TV, is that the Middle East is evolving too quickly. They are no longer our opposite... so as the saying goes that opposites attract... the romance is over. (or atleast we perceive it to be)

The Coalition of the willing (Those willing to sacrifice thier advanced ability) ,are not in Iraq to democratise it, we are there to keep them at bay, while we give ourselves time to evolve.

--Now Iran,, the problem with Iran is that they have been evolving,, but know they want to start spreading (they have the highest youthfull population on the planet)...this can't happen just yet... in order for the Amalgamation process to go smoothly, we need to keep them locked up, and maybe wait for thier offspring to be the ones to spread and sow themselves amongst us.

So how do we go about doing that....

Build a Wall.

and how do we become thier opposite, so that we can let them go free earlier... We need to stop baaahhrghing, and see what they see, and see what we have forgotten to look at consciencly. (Sub conscienly it seems to be woking, but at a reasonably lacking pace)


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14 Mar 2007, 9:48 am

If the world believes Iran is a threat, then the world will create what it wants and Iran will become a threat. We will all unconciously take the steps necessary to create threats. Well, I won't. I know that these constant accusations are only worsening everything. People WANT it to happen. State of reality is a reflection of your states of mind.

Iran, we can blow it up, I'll be in the mountains hiding from the insanity that is man.


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15 Mar 2007, 8:22 pm ... index.html

Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.