Rudywalsh wrote:
Why is god depicted as a man, is it because men have mostly ruled throughout the ages?
And whatever our ruler’s brain wash us with must be true.
Charles Darwin once said that god was created from the image of man, and not as the bible preaches, man created from the image of god.
What do you think?
Well, it's a cultural thing.
There are religions that speak of an "earth mother" rather than an "allfather". However, (among others) the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are very male-centric, because they were written by men, often with an agenda of minimizing female influence on society. So in saying that the world was created by a male, who wanted men to rule, they could back up their misogyny by pointing to the word of God. "God says you're supposed to stay at home, speak only when spoken to, and make me a sandwich" and so forth. This presumably out of fear. "They have something we want; they might use that against us. We must subjugate them by creating something bigger for them to want from us. We must make a god."
If a god exists, what would I say? "Explain yourself."