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26 Jul 2012, 8:36 am

Why is god depicted as a man, is it because men have mostly ruled throughout the ages?
And whatever our ruler’s brain wash us with must be true.

Charles Darwin once said that god was created from the image of man, and not as the bible preaches, man created from the image of god.

What do you think?


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26 Jul 2012, 9:05 am

God's definitely a man. Have you seen how much violence is in the Bible?


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26 Jul 2012, 9:07 am

Rudywalsh wrote:
Why is god depicted as a man, is it because men have mostly ruled throughout the ages?
And whatever our ruler’s brain wash us with must be true.

Charles Darwin once said that god was created from the image of man, and not as the bible preaches, man created from the image of god.

What do you think?

Well, it's a cultural thing.
There are religions that speak of an "earth mother" rather than an "allfather". However, (among others) the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are very male-centric, because they were written by men, often with an agenda of minimizing female influence on society. So in saying that the world was created by a male, who wanted men to rule, they could back up their misogyny by pointing to the word of God. "God says you're supposed to stay at home, speak only when spoken to, and make me a sandwich" and so forth. This presumably out of fear. "They have something we want; they might use that against us. We must subjugate them by creating something bigger for them to want from us. We must make a god."

If a god exists, what would I say? "Explain yourself."

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26 Jul 2012, 9:11 am

I am more of a believer in science and fact. and feel that people created the god myth because of their own fears of death or guilt.

But if there were a god, I would ask, that I be empowered and sent to the stars just to see whats out there and the extent of his or her own glory. and a partner (mate) to join me in the eternal journeys.. never mind heaven or hell, too boring. I would want to explore :)


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26 Jul 2012, 9:14 am

YippySkippy wrote:
God's definitely a man. Have you seen how much violence is in the Bible?

Read the Book of J sometime.


26 Jul 2012, 9:21 am

Rudywalsh wrote:
Why is god depicted as a man, is it because men have mostly ruled throughout the ages?
And whatever our ruler’s brain wash us with must be true.

Charles Darwin once said that god was created from the image of man

That depends on what religion you adhere to. Christianity, and the western pagan religions before it, are anthropomorphic. In traditional Judaism, G-d cannot be likened to anything under the sun because it is a supernatural force.


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26 Jul 2012, 9:24 am

YippySkippy wrote:
God's definitely a man. Have you seen how much violence is in the Bible?

Exactly. There is much more violence than fashion or gossip in the bible, even if we count the parts that detail everyone's ancestry. :lol:


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26 Jul 2012, 9:25 am

If god exists, what would you say to her?

That she really f****d up :roll:


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26 Jul 2012, 7:00 pm

God does not have a gender, it was chosen male because of how we ought to relate to him, as a father figure. And... like everything else in the book, it was partially an anti-pagan polemic, a big F-You to the earth-worshipers who tended to worship a Goddess creator. Can a Goddess make all the demands of the Bible and would I be fine with worshiping one? Sure. The only problem is that every culture that has made a woman a figurehead has also had dificulty adopting or even introducing most of the demands of the torah. Some of them are tough... even for those of us who believe, and certainly for those who don't. So it's not impossible, just unlikely that we could get what we ended up getting if we always referred to the IT upstairs as our mother in heaven.

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27 Jul 2012, 3:12 am

I would probably just end up hitting on her

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27 Jul 2012, 3:16 am

The "debate" about whether God is male or female is nonsensical. There isn't just one character called "God", there are many possible such characters. It's like having a debate about whether Ashley is male or female. Which Ashley?

The Jewish God is clearly male, since all of the stories in which he appears refer to him as male.

Of course, if there is a really-existing God, it is not necessarily the same God as the Jewish God. It is possible that the Jewish God is fictional, and the really-existing God is female and has never appeared in human stories. But who could possibly claim to know such things?

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27 Jul 2012, 3:18 am

i might try and seduce her.

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27 Jul 2012, 5:47 am

I would say stop being mean to me!! :cry:

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19 Feb 2015, 10:14 pm

*shortly after shuffling off the mortal coil or otherwise achieving some sort of communication with the divinity if it exists* "...Heh!"


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20 Feb 2015, 12:33 am

I would say, "Who died and made you God?"

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