Atheist kills muslims and Gun Control a bad thing? ... .html?_r=0
By the time the police arrived, three people were dead — a newlywed couple and the woman’s sister. They were young university students, Muslims of Arab descent, and high achievers who regularly volunteered in the area. A neighbor, a middle-aged white man, was missing — then under arrest and charged with three counts of murder.
The killings immediately set off a debate throughout the world over whether the students had been targeted because of their religion.
The Chapel Hill police quickly tried to tamp down the fears, releasing a morning statement that identified parking as the cause of the dispute, without confirming whether the victims had been shot in the head. The police chief, Chris Blue, added, “We understand the concerns about the possibility that this was hate-motivated, and we will exhaust every lead to determine if that is the case.”
In the afternoon, Ripley Rand, the United States attorney for the region, said the shooting appeared to have been “an isolated incident” and “not part of a targeted campaign against Muslims.”
Mr. Hicks appeared to have a deep dislike of all religion. On his Facebook page, nearly all of his posts expressed support for atheism, criticism of Christian conservatives or both.
Last month, he posted a photograph that said, “Praying is pointless, useless, narcissistic, arrogant, and lazy; just like the imaginary god you pray to.”
Mr. Hicks’s wife, Karen, insisted at a news conference that her husband was not a bigot. “I can say with absolute belief that this incident had nothing to do with religion or the victims’ faith, but it was related to a longstanding parking dispute that my husband had with the neighbors,” she said.
I got the news by watching this clip:
I'm quoting what Cenk Uygur states given the murderer was a gun enthusiast:
He also talked about "The hypocrisy and stupidity of gun control advocates". Well, it turns out that, perhaps, we are not so stupid after all. It turns out, whatever your reason might have been, if you didn't have a gun, let's say it's over parking. You think you really would have murdered this three people, that 19 year old girl, those people in their twenties, with your bare hands, would you hung them, would you burn them? How would you kill, really? Or do you think the gun made it a little easier to kill them.
If he doesn't have a gun when he gets that angry, is he really going to grab a rope or a knife or gasoline, is he really going to choke them with his bare hands? Is he going to get on top of that 19 year old girl and choke her to death? You know how easy it is to... f**k it, pull the gun, boom boom boom! and they're dead.
He believed in this nonsense about "guns don't kill people, people kill people"... what's obvious is, guns make killing people much, much easier.
If you think that guns don't help to kill people easier, you're living in a different planet, you're kidding yourself. You got a hobby, you like your guns, you feel more manly, whatever they do. You are willing to countenance thousands of americans being killed every single year when they probably would not have been killed if those guns were not around. Some other would have, yes. You think all of them would have been killed, that those people wouldn't have commited those murders under any or all circumstances, even you don't believe that. There is an excellent chance that these three people would be alive today if Craig Hicks did not have a gun.
Well... Regardless of anything, it's true that they would be alive if the guy didn't carry a gun.
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IT can be Extremely dangerous for folks who cannot control their temper to carry a gun.
And there is always the potential that a person one day will not be able to control their temper, even if they THINK THEY CAN NOW.
I choose martial arts, and having a good defense of confidence in strength rather than an opportunity for accident, manslaughter, or suicide, no matter how unlikely that is.
My father was in law enforcement for 46 years and never had to shoot anyone, and the area he lived in has one of the highest per capita crime rates in the U.S.A.
But he had the ability to scare folks just by looking at them, and sure the threat of the side-arm helped but never the less, not having to use it, for 46 years, goes to show that it ain't as scary out there in the wild, as folks think it is by watching cop shows and all of that.
Sure weak and defenseless people CAN use an equalizer but if they do NOT want to go to jail, or die, they better know how to control their temper and their gun, as well as relying on good mental health, AND NOT DEVELOPING suicide disease pain that CAN come anyone's way, at anytime, as no one is immune FOR THE POTENTIAL of that.
If I owned a gun five years ago, with that suicide disease of chronic PAIN all the time in waking hours PER type two Trigeminal Neuralgia I would NOT LIKELY be writing these words today, and nah, I couldn't imagine pain like novocain-less drilling of one's teeth could occur in one's eye and ear all the time during waking hours BUT THAT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE TOO....
IT's worth thinking about.. at least....before a person really risks their life... for good as potential bad....
BUT ANYWAY, no metal in my house, and that avatar is just a BB GUN JOKE...
Looking like a cop is also a good defense.
I look like I carry a gun, in real life, ha! HA!...
But leg pressing 930LBS with my legs DOES give me an EXTREMELY CONFIDENT COUNTENANCE IN WALK.
THE thug looking folks, generally speaking, scurry to their car when they see me coming, as a natural defense mechanism, per the eyes of the law ON 'EM, per THEIR PERCEPTION, not mine, as yes, I am often identified as law enforcement, whether I choose to be or not.
I suppose that's in my genetics, too..... perhaps.....
The "Law Enforcement GENE"....
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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We have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

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No, no, no Fnord. People only kill others with guns. Guns are bad and thinking about guns or even seeing a gun in a movie is enough to make someone kill another human being. If you target shoot for sport you are most likely a psychotic person with a secret desire to kill and the existence of guns will cause you to act on that. If there were no such things as guns then we would all love one another, have no war, no hatred, and none of the harsh words which are the scourge of our society. After all, before guns nobody ever wanted to kill one another. They were probably all vegetarians too.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

The link to the forum is
Omigawd, you're so right! Guns should be abolished, along with all knowledge of how to make guns! Gunpowder, too! Round up all of the "Gnu to Gyn" encyclopedia volumes and burn them! Melt down all of the guns and re-cast the metal as spear-heads! Erase all of the video games that feature any form of gunplay! Cut off everyone's index finger so that if they find a gun, they won't be able to operate it!
Just don't take away my Ronco Salad Shooter, please?
Even if I have to tear apart my lettuce with my bare hands!
... uh-oh ...
We gotta outlaw hands, too. They can be used to strangle or bludgeon people to death.
This is a Very Sad Day for the human species ...


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We also need to do away with even the idea of wanting or needing to do violence.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.

The link to the forum is
Just don't take away my Ronco Salad Shooter, please?
Destroy Florida and any reference of it too, it looks like a giant gun!

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Well, believe it or not, it's not likely that pudgy guy carrying that gun, could have done anything, to three healthy extremely intelligent twenty somethings, WITHOUT THAT GUN, AS FAR AS KILLING THEM GOES.
I KNOW THE 'REDNECK' MENTALITY all too well, AND I monitor my distance from it.
Unfortunately no one teaches these 'children' to be 'afraid' of the 'REAL Boogeyman', it appears...
Guns and 'rednecks' are NOT A cool MIX, overall, unless they are HUNTING OTHER ANIMALS WITH GUNS, TO EAT, AND NOT TO KILL FOR SPORT.
And to be clear, a 'redneck' can live in any locality, state or country, and be of any ethnicity or so-called color....
They are folks who are raised AND OR innately come without a heart and or soul.......regardless of what Southern or Northern 'Baptist' church they attend.....
'Normal' folks don't kill 'normal' folks.....without a gun.....
Overall, it's as simple as that....
Keep one's safe distance from 'rednecks'.... with guns or not.......
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
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