ominous wrote:
Jesus Christ please stop posting about feminists and find something else to do with yourself. Every damned day here you are perseverating about this topic and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person here who is wholly tired of it. Move on.
Cool your jets man Im just saying feminism is not against men, I am actually trying to positive about feminism for once be happy about that, what I am saying is radical feminism is against men which isnt feminism but sexism and fall into the femnazi category. I don't identify as a feminist or an MRA I am a man, I am an athiest and am against religion and make jokes about it same with feminism but recently I have had an epipheny that bigotry, hatred, sexism, and racism is the true enemy. Are all men rapists? Nope if you dissagree with that then you need to see a shrink are all women evil backstabbers? Again no are all women bad? Are all men bad? I really don't think so although sometimes its hard to tell the difference who is good or bad these days and simply dismiss all people are bad and out to get you and shut myself in from the rest of humanity out of fear of being robbed conned raped etc but I want to try to look through all that and I simply see all people are both good and evil both women and men it just takes time to see that not all people are evil, women nor men.
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No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?