I've heard about this irresolute "hypothesis" nearly two years ago, but it's pointless for the autism rights community to lobby the US Federal Government so they can deal with it by utilizing any methodological interventions in order to proscribe CD/MMS, because the biomedical militia will try any treatment (prohibition simply doesn't work) whether it's uncorroborated or not to significantly alleviate their child's symptomatic framework of autism. This would implicitly mean that families don't have to be financially burdened with re-distributive benefits or having to let their children endure themselves with counterproductive psychotropic medications for their whole life. There is little incertitude that if the neurodiversity movement and the skeptic community invigorated their campaigns to try and criminalize it, the health freedom fighters would directly use the same old argumentum ad-hominen tactics such as the pharma shill gambit or selective confirmational bias (e.g. "You're a misguided pseudo-skeptical disinformation propounding neurodiversity loving Big Government agent for Merck and GlaxoSmithKline, the measles virus in a vaccine caused my child's regressive autism, I reversed it with the GAPS diet, Reiki, a fecal transplant and sessions of HBOT!") to discredit them. However, I even have to staunchly acknowledge that the pharmaceutical industrial complex has had a pernicious influence on our postmodernist state monopolistic crony capitalist system that has infiltrated the free market decades ago.
Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80