Friendliness to foreign visitors by country

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15 Mar 2015, 10:41 am

I was puzzled by this map until I read where the article says "The (World Economic Forum) gathered the data from late 2011 through late 2012 by asking respondents, 'How welcome are foreign visitors in your country?'".

So this map really reflects self-reported friendliness as opposed to being based on the experiences of actual foreigners who have visited the countries in question.

To me this largely explains why the US rates so low when compared to Canada and Mexico, in particular Canada. It is so typical of Americans to express a negative attitude towards their own country in matters such as "are we welcoming to foreigners?". Canadians, on the other hand, rarely have anything negative to say about their own country (although to a lesser extent in the French-speaking areas). Actually, although I haven't been to Canada in quite some time, from others who have been there more recently I get the impression that Canadians are more welcome here than vice-versa (at the risk of exaggerating, of course!).

I would be very interested for forum members to follow up on this thread with personal assessments of how welcome they may have felt in other countries they have visited. I will start by saying that I agree with Mexico's high rating. When I visited there somewhat recently I felt very welcome despite a history of the US having done some awful things there in the past. I can also say that when I visited Hungary it seemed very friendly but that was decades ago. Hungary's low rating today is probably a reflection of their feelings about attitudes towards Jews, Roma, and Muslims.

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15 Mar 2015, 11:18 am

Mexico was welcoming. Canada, not so much. Germany was welcoming. France, almost not-at-all. Turkey, Italy and Greece (I know they're different continents) were welcoming. The U.K. was the best----if they didn't know you were military; and then they did things that I have seen Americans do but would NEVER have expected the Brits to do----namely, roll our cars, with us IN them! (The Brits were angry at us because "Aunt Maggie" let us fly-through their airspace, when we bombed Kadafi.) I can't think of the other countries I've been to, right now, as I haven't done any major traveling for about 30 years----'cept to NYC and Canada.....

Speaking of Americans speaking negatively about their country..... How else does one "fix" things, if one doesn't first acknowledge a problem?


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15 Mar 2015, 11:27 am

Oh, Ireland was probably the ABSOLUTE friendliest----geez, I love that country!! (The second time I went, I flew-in----and I had another "awe"-inspiring moment, as I've never-in-my-life seen such GORGEOUS green!! I certainly know why it's named "The Emerald Isle".)

Jamaica was extremely friendly----but, I went to a tourist-trap, and of COURSE they're going to be friendly; that's how they make their money.

I know I'm leaving something out (some other countries)----but, I just can't think, right now.....


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15 Mar 2015, 11:37 am

Oh, I know what happened..... I said "U.K.", before----and that sorta "negated" my saying Scotland, England, and Wales..... Scotland, was probably the best of those----but, like I said, the U.K., as-a-whole, was really, really good!

I think that might be all, now.....

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15 Mar 2015, 11:43 am

Oh, the Dominican Republic was..... Meh.....

I think that's all!

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15 Mar 2015, 11:58 am

Wow, I'm actually surprised that the U.S. isn't, at least, PINK, on the link you provided. I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever met anyone, in person, who likes foreigners, as-a-WHOLE!! "Tolerant", yes, but.....

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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15 Mar 2015, 4:57 pm

From the few countries I have visited, I do not agree with that map, I have been to France many times and find the French rude and purposefully un-helpfull, the nicest people I have ever found are the Germans yet the map shows the French being nicer than the Germans.


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15 Mar 2015, 8:40 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
Wow, I'm actually surprised that the U.S. isn't, at least, PINK, on the link you provided. I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever met anyone, in person, who likes foreigners, as-a-WHOLE!! "Tolerant", yes, but.....
As far as I can remember, the foreigners I have spoken to who have traveled in the US have found it friendly. But I don't have a scientific poll to cite.

BTW @Campin_Cat did you recently change your signature? If so, can you explain the procedure?

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15 Mar 2015, 9:02 pm

I find the French people don't like foreigners to try to speak their language, for it upsets their sense of "purity."

I find Canadians and Brits to be polite even in public transport.

I find the response of most people to be "human"--neither friendly nor unfriendly. People are usually curious about America (though not Canadians so much). They might dislike our politics, though not US. There is some envy about our perceived affluence.


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16 Mar 2015, 6:23 pm

MaxE wrote:
Campin_Cat wrote:
Wow, I'm actually surprised that the U.S. isn't, at least, PINK, on the link you provided. I hate to say it, but I don't think I've ever met anyone, in person, who likes foreigners, as-a-WHOLE!! "Tolerant", yes, but.....
As far as I can remember, the foreigners I have spoken to who have traveled in the US have found it friendly. But I don't have a scientific poll to cite.

Yeah, but the problem is, most people, probably, won't say they had a terrible time----cuz they think it's rude----but, I also think that even the people (Americans) who say they hate foreigners, would not be rude to them----ESPECIALLY, if they knew they weren't staying!! LOL

BTW @Campin_Cat did you recently change your signature? If so, can you explain the procedure?

No, I didn't recently change my signature----as far as "I" know, there's no way in which to do that----it's just that sometimes I display it, and sometimes, I don't.