TheMachine1 wrote:
The US bill of rights forbids cruel and unusual punishments. So life in prison is suitable for such criminals.
What is considered cruel and unusual for these people? I don't think "cruel and unusual" should apply to them. It damn sure didn't apply to their victims. Well they get what's coming to them in prison anyhow, I wish I could see the guards throw them in the shower rooms and call "FRESH MEAT!! !" See those f---ers get a taste of their own medicine. Because let me tell you, those prisoners WILL rape their child molestor asses.
Also, I do see things like starvation as problems in the world. In fact it's possible to stop starvation now with cloning technology, to clone livestock and vegetation. In fact the only reason they don't is because the Vatican says "we shouldn't play god". So they send christian missionaries into their countries on food drives, but moreso to shove white american christian culture down their throats
Truth is, also, in alot of starving nations, their leaders control all the wealth and live the high life, hoarding all the resources to themselves while their people starve. Tribalism in it's rawest state. They fear that if their people prosper too much they might overthrow them from their positions of power and tyranny, so the leaders hold the people down.
As I stated in my opening statement here, ***ALL*** sex trafficking is a problem. But it's even worse when kids are brought into it.