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09 Mar 2015, 9:11 pm

My impression is that with regards to Wahhabism and oil revenue that inevitably funded it... since that seems to be a evangelical, literal translation of Islam... would it be the equivalent of Fred Phelps ending up as a king (shudder) and the Westboro Baptist Church having billions? Or are they slightly more saner?

I find it ironic how Saudi Arabia seems to have such a great relationship with Western countries... and yet the latter are waging war against fundamental Islam.


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10 Mar 2015, 10:37 am

Mootoo wrote:
My impression is that with regards to Wahhabism and oil revenue that inevitably funded it... since that seems to be a evangelical, literal translation of Islam... would it be the equivalent of Fred Phelps ending up as a king (shudder) and the Westboro Baptist Church having billions? Or are they slightly more saner?

I find it ironic how Saudi Arabia seems to have such a great relationship with Western countries... and yet the latter are waging war against fundamental Islam.

I think you're seeing it plainly. The western countries are funding it far more than doing it damage by exactly that instrument - $$$.

Also, side by side, the WBB's were disgusting but they weren't advocating and even orchestrating homicide over their religious beliefs. What's so far out for the west to understand about the mentality over there - we really don't have a parallel to it, even Dominionist theology barely holds a candle. Even if Dominionists took over and made this a theocracy they'd only be about as bad as the average in a radical Islamic country, and we'd need Protestants lining up and sawing off Catholic's heads with machetes or mass executions for playing games or watching TV before we had something tantamount to ISIS.

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10 Mar 2015, 1:07 pm

The OP has it about right.
We are funding the spread of terrorist ideology by driving cars.

Oil money props up Saudi Wahabism, and finances the spread Wahabist schools in Pakistan. Which in turn spreads Wahabism to the Africa, the UK, Chechnya, and the World.

Isis is a more extreme form of Al Queda, and Al Queda is Wahabist at its heart.

Netenyahu LOVES ISIS because ISIS is an enemy of Iran. And the Iranian regime is not of the Wahabist subset of Sunnism, but is Shiite.

So who cares if they saw people's heads off?

We cant fight ISIS because (though none of three like to talk about it in public) Israel, the Saudies, and ISIS, are all allies against Iran.

So its good that we finance Wahabism after all- its saves Zionism!, and helps us beat up on Iran.

Except we can't beat up Iran because our friends and clients, the Iraqies, depend on Iran to fight for their survival against ISIS.

So Wahabism is bad because it threatens American interest in Iraq, but its good because it helps preserve Israel (even though Wahabists are all about destroying Israel)!

So the choice is clear: either we keep on both fighting against, and at the same time- aiding and abetting- the spread of Wahabism! Or we do an about face- and do the opposite!


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10 Mar 2015, 1:16 pm

Saudi Arabia and Israel are terrible allies that do the US no good, most of the terrorist filth of the world flows out of Saudi Arabia. We'd be much better off working with the Iranians.


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10 Mar 2015, 1:40 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Saudi Arabia and Israel are terrible allies that do the US no good, most of the terrorist filth of the world flows out of Saudi Arabia. We'd be much better off working with the Iranians.

Actually it would be better trading with the Iranians to balance things. Favoring one group in the region is a bad idea in general.

To the Op, I often wonder what would have happened if House of Rashid was still in power, how different thing would be an if, Lawrence of Arabia backed the wrong horse. Would need a good historian to help answer the conncetions between he Wahhabist at the time.


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10 Mar 2015, 3:54 pm

The Saudi's have about $25k/person stored away in their sovereign wealth fund, according to Wikipedia. The key question is, will this be enough to even survive on, should oil no longer be a source of revenue - say, because everyone's using solar power. If it isn't, then Saudi Arabia will soon become just another Arab backwater ruled by a tyrant.

What will happen then, however...

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27 Apr 2015, 9:58 pm

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am sure that if the racist, sexist, homophobic, orientalist, conservative, tea-party, neo-con, hawkish, evalangical fundamentalist southern Baptist privileged white men, were to politically-religiously rule the United States, I am sure that all the tolerance we do have in the United States would be stripped away and oppression of non-whites,Catholics, non-Christians, liberals, and females would return and we would become exactly like ISIS.


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27 Apr 2015, 10:08 pm

evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am sure that if the racist, sexist, homophobic, orientalist, conservative, tea-party, neo-con, hawkish, evalangical fundamentalist southern Baptist privileged white men, were to politically-religiously rule the United States, I am sure that all the tolerance we do have in the United States would be stripped away and oppression of non-whites,Catholics, non-Christians, liberals, and females would return and we would become exactly like ISIS.

They're two very different things. The people like you're describing have been in something close to their present form and had power for the last couple centuries. There was a thread about ISIS gang-raping nine year old girls. They lined up and executed a bunch of Muslim boys for watching a soccer game, and they persistently kill anything from moderate Muslims to Christians or Jews - anything that stands in their way. You're comparing apples to airplane engines.

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27 Apr 2015, 10:31 pm

Saving the Saudis Vanity Fair

The incident is particularly important in light of the special relationship the Saudis have long had with the United States—and the Bush family in particular. For decades, Saudi Arabia has been one of America’s two most powerful allies in the Middle East, not to mention an enormous source of oil. The Bush family and the House of Saud, the two most powerful dynasties in the world, have had close personal, business, and political ties for more than 20 years. In the 80s, when the elder Bush was vice president, he and Prince Bandar became personal friends. Together, they lobbied through massive U.S. arms sales to the Saudis and participated in critical foreign-policy ventures. In the 1991 Gulf War, the Saudis and the elder Bush were allies.

In the private sector, the Saudis supported Harken Energy, a struggling oil company in which George W. Bush was an investor. Most recently, former president George H. W. Bush and former secretary of state James A. Baker III, his longtime ally, have appeared before Saudis at fund-raisers for the Carlyle Group, arguably the biggest private equity firm in the world. Today, former president Bush continues to serve as a senior adviser to the firm, whose investors allegedly include a Saudi accused of ties to terrorist support groups.

“It’s always been very clear that there are deep ties between the Bush family and the Saudis,” says Charles Lewis, head of the Center for Public Integrity, a Washington, D.C., foundation that examines issues of ethics in government. “It creates a credibility problem. When it comes to the war on terror, a lot of people have to be wondering why we are concerned about some countries and not others. Why does Saudi Arabia get a pass?”

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28 Apr 2015, 11:45 am

A little background on why Wahhabism and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia go hand in hand: that was the setup from the begining. The Wahhab family (clergy) would support the Saud family as king, and the Saudi king would support the Wahhab family as the leading clergy. That arrangement started in the 18th century in the First Saudi State, and was revived with the modern kingdom.

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28 Apr 2015, 2:39 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am sure that if the racist, sexist, homophobic, orientalist, conservative, tea-party, neo-con, hawkish, evalangical fundamentalist southern Baptist privileged white men, were to politically-religiously rule the United States, I am sure that all the tolerance we do have in the United States would be stripped away and oppression of non-whites,Catholics, non-Christians, liberals, and females would return and we would become exactly like ISIS.

They're two very different things. The people like you're describing have been in something close to their present form and had power for the last couple centuries. There was a thread about ISIS gang-raping nine year old girls. They lined up and executed a bunch of Muslim boys for watching a soccer game, and they persistently kill anything from moderate Muslims to Christians or Jews - anything that stands in their way. You're comparing apples to airplane engines.

Perhaps there was some confusion in what I said. I was trying to say that if our ( western) version of fringe zealous right-wing religious( specifically Christian, since I'm talking about the west) zealots wielded the same amount of power as ISIS in terms of political-religious/socio-economic control, they would probably become much like ISIS as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is historical precedent to what I'm saying. When a bunch of fanatic "infidel"- hating Christians( in this example I'm not talking about your average Christian on the street I'm talking about the fundamentalist evangelical bigoted zealots) organize themselves into a functioning military- horrible things have happened. Look at the crusaders, conquistadors, Spanish inquisition, and kkk for instance. Atrocities comparable to ISIS have been committed by all 4 groups- all in the name of Jejus, exactly parallel to how ISIS commits their atrocities under the name of Allah.


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28 Apr 2015, 8:00 pm

evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Perhaps there was some confusion in what I said. I was trying to say that if our ( western) version of fringe zealous right-wing religious( specifically Christian, since I'm talking about the west) zealots wielded the same amount of power as ISIS in terms of political-religious/socio-economic control, they would probably become much like ISIS as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is historical precedent to what I'm saying. When a bunch of fanatic "infidel"- hating Christians( in this example I'm not talking about your average Christian on the street I'm talking about the fundamentalist evangelical bigoted zealots) organize themselves into a functioning military- horrible things have happened. Look at the crusaders, conquistadors, Spanish inquisition, and kkk for instance. Atrocities comparable to ISIS have been committed by all 4 groups- all in the name of Jejus, exactly parallel to how ISIS commits their atrocities under the name of Allah.

We would need several generations to pass with no separation of church, state, and economy before we could even start behaving like Northern Ireland a couple decades ago, let alone before we started slowly sawing people's heads off with machettes, gang-raping young girls, or executing children for watching entertainment events on TV. I don't even think one world government, economics, religion, and microchips - all compliments of the UN - would be enough to get America to where the middle-east is today.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.

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29 Apr 2015, 10:27 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Perhaps there was some confusion in what I said. I was trying to say that if our ( western) version of fringe zealous right-wing religious( specifically Christian, since I'm talking about the west) zealots wielded the same amount of power as ISIS in terms of political-religious/socio-economic control, they would probably become much like ISIS as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is historical precedent to what I'm saying. When a bunch of fanatic "infidel"- hating Christians( in this example I'm not talking about your average Christian on the street I'm talking about the fundamentalist evangelical bigoted zealots) organize themselves into a functioning military- horrible things have happened. Look at the crusaders, conquistadors, Spanish inquisition, and kkk for instance. Atrocities comparable to ISIS have been committed by all 4 groups- all in the name of Jejus, exactly parallel to how ISIS commits their atrocities under the name of Allah.

We would need several generations to pass with no separation of church, state, and economy before we could even start behaving like Northern Ireland a couple decades ago, let alone before we started slowly sawing people's heads off with machettes, gang-raping young girls, or executing children for watching entertainment events on TV. I don't even think one world government, economics, religion, and microchips - all compliments of the UN - would be enough to get America to where the middle-east is today.

During the French revolution, within the space of a few months, young idealists became mass-murderers. Both Christians and Muslims are human. All humans are capable of corruption. All religions have committed acts of genocide. Do not be blind in saying any one religion is better than that of another. #neverforgetgenocide #notallmuslimsareterrorists #notallchristiansareredneckbigots #notalljewshatepalestinians #peacecannotbeachievedwithouttolerance


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29 Apr 2015, 12:49 pm

That's not quite where I was going. My best friend actually submitted to Islam formally a few years ago, his wife (Palestinian-American) is one of the best people I know, and several of their friends are not just intelligent but I can talk about anything - including western esotericism. I'm also well aware that a lot of the US Muslim community is some of the most outspoken in the world when it comes to these issues and is openly anti-ISIS. The differences between Salafism and Sufism are also as night and day as you can get.

The problem I have is that, particularly with ISIS, their success not only polarizes people but the strain of their existence deforms the priorities of the people who have to live anywhere under or even near their shadow. They're making the world a far worse place to live in and the situation wouldn't be any different were they Christians, Jews, Buddhists, or Hindus acting like this.

The only thing I will admit about the Quran is that when you have verses stating to kill the infadel wherever you find them, they really - really - need to clarify that in Jungian terms as flushing out your own areas of resistance to God's will, as written on the face of nature, rather than letting occasionalism destroy the value of observation and letting the listless and disenfranchised get carried away with wild political utopian ideas about world religious domination. When I hear Islamists and Caliphatists talk about sharia and offer that the reason why it looks bad is because it's never actually been done - it seems like the spitting image of what communists say, when having to look at at what that did to Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia and offer the same excuse - both communism and government-enforced sharia are perfect systems, just that we'll never know because no one's ever done it. I doubt I'd need to offer that the French Revolution was fueled by utopianism - getting rid of some very detatched bumpkins in power was critical, what happened next was what caught people's attention in a bad way. As for Christians trying to take over the world - at least the Catholics are out of that business, there's a lot on the history books to cringe over.

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29 Apr 2015, 12:54 pm

evilsithwraith666 wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Perhaps there was some confusion in what I said. I was trying to say that if our ( western) version of fringe zealous right-wing religious( specifically Christian, since I'm talking about the west) zealots wielded the same amount of power as ISIS in terms of political-religious/socio-economic control, they would probably become much like ISIS as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is historical precedent to what I'm saying. When a bunch of fanatic "infidel"- hating Christians( in this example I'm not talking about your average Christian on the street I'm talking about the fundamentalist evangelical bigoted zealots) organize themselves into a functioning military- horrible things have happened. Look at the crusaders, conquistadors, Spanish inquisition, and kkk for instance. Atrocities comparable to ISIS have been committed by all 4 groups- all in the name of Jejus, exactly parallel to how ISIS commits their atrocities under the name of Allah.

We would need several generations to pass with no separation of church, state, and economy before we could even start behaving like Northern Ireland a couple decades ago, let alone before we started slowly sawing people's heads off with machettes, gang-raping young girls, or executing children for watching entertainment events on TV. I don't even think one world government, economics, religion, and microchips - all compliments of the UN - would be enough to get America to where the middle-east is today.

During the French revolution, within the space of a few months, young idealists became mass-murderers. Both Christians and Muslims are human. All humans are capable of corruption. All religions have committed acts of genocide. Do not be blind in saying any one religion is better than that of another. #neverforgetgenocide #notallmuslimsareterrorists #notallchristiansareredneckbigots #notalljewshatepalestinians #peacecannotbeachievedwithouttolerance

Maybe it's a generation gap, but I really don't get all this ####twitter sh#t.

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29 Apr 2015, 7:54 pm

trollcatman wrote:
evilsithwraith666 wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
evilsithwraith666 wrote:
Perhaps there was some confusion in what I said. I was trying to say that if our ( western) version of fringe zealous right-wing religious( specifically Christian, since I'm talking about the west) zealots wielded the same amount of power as ISIS in terms of political-religious/socio-economic control, they would probably become much like ISIS as absolute power corrupts absolutely.
There is historical precedent to what I'm saying. When a bunch of fanatic "infidel"- hating Christians( in this example I'm not talking about your average Christian on the street I'm talking about the fundamentalist evangelical bigoted zealots) organize themselves into a functioning military- horrible things have happened. Look at the crusaders, conquistadors, Spanish inquisition, and kkk for instance. Atrocities comparable to ISIS have been committed by all 4 groups- all in the name of Jejus, exactly parallel to how ISIS commits their atrocities under the name of Allah.

We would need several generations to pass with no separation of church, state, and economy before we could even start behaving like Northern Ireland a couple decades ago, let alone before we started slowly sawing people's heads off with machettes, gang-raping young girls, or executing children for watching entertainment events on TV. I don't even think one world government, economics, religion, and microchips - all compliments of the UN - would be enough to get America to where the middle-east is today.

During the French revolution, within the space of a few months, young idealists became mass-murderers. Both Christians and Muslims are human. All humans are capable of corruption. All religions have committed acts of genocide. Do not be blind in saying any one religion is better than that of another. #neverforgetgenocide #notallmuslimsareterrorists #notallchristiansareredneckbigots #notalljewshatepalestinians #peacecannotbeachievedwithouttolerance

Maybe it's a generation gap, but I really don't get all this ####twitter sh#t.

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