xenocity wrote:
Can he actually get the ruling majority?
At this point it looks likely, and if he can't then they'll just get propped up by the DUP (i.e. the Northern Ireland equivalent of the Conservatives). Between them, they have a majority before everyone has declared.
It's fun watching the British voters punish Labour and Liberal Democrats for what the Conservatives have done...!
That isn't really what's happening (I mean, obviously, because it makes no sense, but on a level beyond that). The Lib Dems are being punished because they're now being seen as "insiders", and a lot of their votes were essentially "none of the above" - hence the huge swings towards UKIP, which largely just eat up the Lib Dem vote.
Labour had a net gain of seats in England, they just lost Scottish ones because they're seen as not representing Scottish interests. This goes back a long way but they're only being punished at the General Election now.
Finally and most importantly, we can assume the British will vote to leave the EU.
No you can't... This was a general election, not a referendum on the EU. UKIP didn't win any seats from the Tories, just Douglas Carswell.
Though will Cameron and his fellow Conservatives follow through on Devolution Max as promised to Scotland for voting to stay in the union?
I think they will abandon it with great flare, setting the stages for Scottish Independence...!
Cameron won't want to be the Prime Minister who broke Britain. He'll offer Devo Max, but he'll want English Votes For English Laws in exchange and the SNP might not accept that.