appletheclown wrote:
Sure, let's make opium, meth, and pcp legal for everyone 16 and up to enjoy at their leisure!
It'll be so much better knowing my kids are going to be meth heads!
There are ways to mitigate the deleterious effects of prohibition short of total legalisation. Something like cutting dealers out of the equation completely by providing drugs to addicts under government medicare, but under restricted circumstances.
Treating Drug addiction like a mental health issue and government controlling every facet of it, instead of a criminal one, would help to resolve the following:
-The corrupting influence of illicit drugs on law enforcement.
-The coercive power of drugs used by pimps to enslave women.
-The spread of Aids and Hepatitis from sharing needles.
-The dangers that dropped needles pose to the public.
-The fact that addicts often need to steal or prostitute themselves to support their habit.
-Addicts not feeling as though they have any stake in in their communities and hence acting in an irresponsible manner.
It would also give aid groups more information and access to addicts in order to provide rehabilitation opportunities.
Various arrangements could be set up to make addicts pay for this, lets call it medicine, and this could provide a lot of government revenue. Or not. Whatever works.
All of this could be accompanied by sincere and honest anti drug campaigns...
Last edited by Nebogipfel on 03 May 2015, 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.