naturalplastic wrote:
We did let him have his way with one Jewish girl, and even knock her up.
Well, that wasn't exactly a Jewish girl as much as the metaphor for Isis/Sophia/etc.. (hmmm....and three Maries under the cross....Diana, Selena, and Hecate?). The authors were at least nice enough to leave Zeus his piece rather than having it eaten by a fish and the immaculate conception happening through a golden straw. Think they knew coming at Zeus with a scalpel and suggesting they'd be commandeering his junk would have gone even worse than making him celibate. All this makes me wonder if Hera wasn't in on the joke somewhere...
Supposedly Christianity's the latest and greatest version of the primordial religion but, meh, somewhere along the line it got too popular, got political, and with the number of applicants went the weighted average IQ. Perhaps the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, if there is such a character, was convincing the world that only men of the old testament could validly check things out for themselves - anytime past that you need a priest to tell you what it's about because prophecy's a closed book.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.