The predicament here with stringent conspiratorialism (HIV/AIDS denialism, Freemasonry, Evolution denialism, Hollow earth, Faith Healing, Satanic yoga, Holocaust denial, dinosaurs helped the pyramid constructions, religious prophecies, chemtrails, Sandy Hook and Moon landing hoaxes etc) is that their Dunning Kruger infiltrated minds dissuade the skeptic community into a formulation of social conditioning characterized as "debunking groupthink," which undermines freedom of thought by collective rationalization by dismissing those propounding the more overlooked cover-ups that are pragmatic and abide to the principles of natural law as crank magnets who believe the earth was created 5,700 to 10,000 years ago; thus, the skeptics become as doctrinarian as the gnostic theists and the NWO truthers. Neither the gnostic fragmentation of the truther nor skeptic movements can sufficiently explicate what theories are true and what's not, but it's the militantly atheistic and transcendent debunkers (whether they are "compassionate" neo-cons, secular "progressive humanists," neurodiversity supremacists or social justice warriors (SJWs)) who repudiate any sort of conspiracy whatsoever are the ones who are in unabridged denial.
Here's a few of my foreseeable exemplifications of conspiracy (very independent and atypical of the Illuminati herd mentality)
Iraq War Hoax: Tony Blair, George Bush and their neo-conservative revolutionaries deceived the public about the WMD's.
Supranational institutions such as IMF, World Bank, NATO, Untied Nations, EU, WTO are undermining the individual sovereignty of nation states; furthermore, supranationalist banking institutions such as the IMF and World Bank are advertently hindering the efficiency of a free market economy and are destroying worldwide economies through repetitious fiat monetary printing (not just the Federal Reserve believers) and redistribute inflation via the fractional reserve banking system.
Cultural Marxism (Frankfurt School's Critical Theory) is the most verifiable ideological denominator behind counter-cultural identity politics, "permissive society," moral relativism, "alternative lifestyles," cultural pessimism, nanny statism that are all aimed to destroy individualism, free enterprise and traditional morality by replacing them with collectivism, internationalized central planning and Orwellian ideological conformance.
I believe that Aspartame is the new asbestos and that fluoridated water is preventing the herd to think critically.
Marijuana was banned because of it's threats to the corporate profits of the pharmaceutical and paper industries (I believe the drugs war has been a complete scam and failure anyway).
Thorium as an environmentally friendly and efficient power source was routinely suppressed due to it's lack of potentiality for biological warfare.
Diagnosed with "Classical" Asperger's syndrome in 1998 (Clinical psychologist).
RAADS-R: 237/240
Aspie score: 199 out of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 1 out of 200
Alexithymia Questionnaire: 166/185 AQ: 49/50 EQ: 9/80
Last edited by TheRedPedant93 on 25 May 2015, 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.