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26 May 2015, 4:22 pm

Does anyone do this? I have most my life. I have always felt the presence of my divine self or Syzygos in Greek and enjoy working out problems with her. Revelation can be obtained through Syzygos.


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29 May 2015, 8:53 pm

In the last few years something flared up where I'll feel my heart glowing like a flood-light at the right times, usually it's interacting with certain people who are of particular importance in their role at a given moment. A few times the pop-tattoo art of a heart with wings felt quite literal.

There is a feminine amalgam as well that wakes up from time from within me (almost like she's sleeping and nudged into activity by certain things). I don't know who or what she is though, its been tempting in the past to tag her as a manifestation of my HGA - mainly as a function of her behavior in leading and directing - but I still feel like that could be grabbing at straws.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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30 May 2015, 12:07 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
In the last few years something flared up where I'll feel my heart glowing like a flood-light at the right times, usually it's interacting with certain people who are of particular importance in their role at a given moment. A few times the pop-tattoo art of a heart with wings felt quite literal.

There is a feminine amalgam as well that wakes up from time from within me (almost like she's sleeping and nudged into activity by certain things). I don't know who or what she is though, its been tempting in the past to tag her as a manifestation of my HGA - mainly as a function of her behavior in leading and directing - but I still feel like that could be grabbing at straws.

Those Jesus tattoos with the heart are pretty nifty. It's so weird because no one knows what Jesus looked like yet I can picture the tattoo so well in my mind and see the face assigned to Jesus so clearly and it looks about like all the other Jesus faces I see and that is really bizarre considering.

My divine self has always helped me create stories and narratives. I would tell my Syzygos these narratives and my relatives thought it talented and unusual because these stories were so interesting and some of them marveled at it. It was the Syzgos I was telling them to and this is not unique among spiritualized people. Others have reported similar experiences throughout their lives.


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30 May 2015, 12:29 pm

The term Syzygos, is an excellent metaphor for the truth that at least some of us have
access to a higher self that is all peaceful, knowing and FEELING; much higher than
what we consciously assess ourselves as capable of being, doing AND FEELING.

To become integrated with this metaphor of Syzygos, and
what others describe as Christ, the Holy Spirit;
the Holy Guardian Angel; the Kundalini
Energy, CHI, KI, QI, and so
many other metaphors
for this much
higher human
potential is to live
in a divine state that
those who do not enter
can even fathom; ah the
grace of this, is beyond the
eyes of most; but never the less;
the metaphors of it across cultures
from primitive to advanced is the same
HUMAN POTENTIAL fuller realized AS TRUTH..:)

More or less my 'Syzygos'; and I are ONE, and as
veteran of many paths of life; both light and dark;
I for one, no matter what the naysayers life SAY,
I DO say 100% for sure; it is height of all human
accomplishment that never ends in peak
of mountains of achievement
in greater and greater
potential LIGHT

When people suggest I
am insane for being
the best I can
it's a laugh
of GOD to
GOD and

Only if they knew;
Only if they know;
Only if they feel;
what I know

Then tHeir
eyes will

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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30 May 2015, 2:01 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Those Jesus tattoos with the heart are pretty nifty. It's so weird because no one knows what Jesus looked like yet I can picture the tattoo so well in my mind and see the face assigned to Jesus so clearly and it looks about like all the other Jesus faces I see and that is really bizarre considering.


I really wonder if the physical sensation, illustrated above in pretty close likeness, isn't highly interchangeable with 'the dove' of the holy spirit. It's as if a dove is excited and happily flappings its wings, except that you know that where the torso and head would be is your heart. That may corollary the emblematic dove of the Holy Spirit.

Experiencing that divine energy, I really think its along the line what's called 'prana' in the East and 'astral light' by people like Elphas Levi in the west, it doesn't feel like something that matches the tone, tenor, and feel of the Old or New Testament. A better way to phrase it is it feels like a super white-light, Disney tinkerbell type of feeling, like something super innocent and childlike, playful, that shakes off light-glitter and sparkles with each motion. Traveling through my body it feels super-sweet (almost saccharine-like), oily/slippery, quite seductive actually in a wholesome 'white light' sort of way.

Some might throw out 'Oh, that's kundalini!' - I don't quite think so and I think there's a slight difference between prana/astral light and kundalini. Supposedly kundalini is something of a very 'hot' burning sensation, not in a necessarily painful sense (although if it's hitting hard enough it could register that way) but more like a very intense vibration that feels like it could just about rattle things apart and having that travel up. I don't know if the 3 1/2 coils of 'the serpent' actually does seem to wrap itself around your auric field as the serpent and egg symbol suggests or whether you feel it in the place where the 'ida and pringala' would be on the spine. To me though it seems like if the dove is one thing the serpent would be another, and with the heart often called the seat of the soul (I don't think the literal place it's enfolded - it's all around and over top of you but I'd guess it's the primary juncture of influence) it would also make sense that one MIGHT be electric while the other is magnetic.

All of that makes me think of the Oswald Wirth card below. He claims in his Tarot of the Magicians that you have a binary choice between strict morality and degenerative sensuality, that cupid will strike the arrow on your lead and you'll either go to heaven with a lot of sterile agony on the way or, on the other hand, have great sensual enjoyment and decay of the spirit. I strongly suspect that was his vows of secrecy speaking; my own experience is that Cupid would be striking you at dead heat of decision in the middle because they're both essential (ie. right use of morality and right use of sensuality) - each one fuels the other if handled deliberately with that intent and I'd tend to think also that one is the dove, the other serpent; IMHO they're an X and Y axis where you really want to travel a line y = x, at worst y = 2/3x if x is the morality line. The area where sensuality and morality agree is the ideal zone. That would essentially turn your dove and serpent into the winged serpent, something a bit seraphim-like in description.


The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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30 May 2015, 2:32 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Those Jesus tattoos with the heart are pretty nifty. It's so weird because no one knows what Jesus looked like yet I can picture the tattoo so well in my mind and see the face assigned to Jesus so clearly and it looks about like all the other Jesus faces I see and that is really bizarre considering.


I really wonder if the physical sensation, illustrated above in pretty close likeness, isn't highly interchangeable with 'the dove' of the holy spirit. It's as if a dove is excited and happily flappings its wings, except that you know that where the torso and head would be is your heart. That may corollary the emblematic dove of the Holy Spirit.

Experiencing that divine energy, I really think its along the line what's called 'prana' in the East and 'astral light' by people like Elphas Levi in the west, it doesn't feel like something that matches the tone, tenor, and feel of the Old or New Testament. A better way to phrase it is it feels like a super white-light, Disney tinkerbell type of feeling, like something super innocent and childlike, playful, that shakes off light-glitter and sparkles with each motion. Traveling through my body it feels super-sweet (almost saccharine-like), oily/slippery, quite seductive actually in a wholesome 'white light' sort of way.

Some might throw out 'Oh, that's kundalini!' - I don't quite think so and I think there's a slight difference between prana/astral light and kundalini. Supposedly kundalini is something of a very 'hot' burning sensation, not in a necessarily painful sense (although if it's hitting hard enough it could register that way) but more like a very intense vibration that feels like it could just about rattle things apart and having that travel up. I don't know if the 3 1/2 coils of 'the serpent' actually does seem to wrap itself around your auric field as the serpent and egg symbol suggests or whether you feel it in the place where the 'ida and pringala' would be on the spine. To me though it seems like if the dove is one thing the serpent would be another, and with the heart often called the seat of the soul (I don't think the literal place it's enfolded - it's all around and over top of you but I'd guess it's the primary juncture of influence) it would also make sense that one MIGHT be electric while the other is magnetic.

All of that makes me think of the Oswald Wirth card below. He claims in his Tarot of the Magicians that you have a binary choice between strict morality and degenerative sensuality, that cupid will strike the arrow on your lead and you'll either go to heaven with a lot of sterile agony on the way or, on the other hand, have great sensual enjoyment and decay of the spirit. I strongly suspect that was his vows of secrecy speaking; my own experience is that Cupid would be striking you at dead heat of decision in the middle because they're both essential (ie. right use of morality and right use of sensuality) - each one fuels the other if handled deliberately with that intent and I'd tend to think also that one is the dove, the other serpent; IMHO they're an X and Y axis where you really want to travel a line y = x, at worst y = 2/3x if x is the morality line. The area where sensuality and morality agree is the ideal zone. That would essentially turn your dove and serpent into the winged serpent, something a bit seraphim-like in description.


That's a great analysis showing the necessity of the balance of both sexual energy and pure white love as the source of humanity's libido and all the creativity that springs forth from humanity as whole.

And even Aleister Crowley's general focus on so-called 'sex magic' is gaining at least some roots in science, in the science of Lust and Love as balance as a great source of human creativity and general productivity in larger life.

I am happily married but I for one as a very sensual individual from early age; not in a dominating way; just sensual way; can map the magnitude of my creativity in a long night of sober but trance inducing sensual dance in rave dance nights on Thursday; as the next day my creativity in both dance and words always soars as evidence of that yesterday and today; and it will falter off until that next peak experience of sensuality and trance dance of higher mind and body balance comes together again; next Thursday night and after that.

Truly the source of all my creativity is the art of dance and connecting sensuality to other human beings in flesh and blood life; albeit mostly all females as the Patriarchal fundamentalist male crowd in my area are terrified, overall, of a guy who does ballet dance; but fist bumps regularly when I display lightening fast martial arts kicks from less than an inch of touching in target; including humans, in the club where I dance, in the spirit of play of course.

Anyway here's the documentary on the science of lust. And Love does balance that out; as my marriage is still definitely successful and not compromised through the sensual freedoms in connecting this way with full clothed members of the opposite sex in dance..:)

And to be clear not all folks are born in these intense sensual ways; and they do make due with their gifts as well..:)

And thanks for the 6 tarot card;
as 6 follows me around all my life ever since
birth on 6-6-60..;)

Anyway, fall from unconditional tough LOVE, in not loving
all that is GOD is the REAL fall in life; not a fallen angel..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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30 May 2015, 2:46 pm

aghogday wrote:
Anyway here's the documentary on the science of lust. And Love does balance that out; as my marriage is still definitely successful and not compromised through the sensual freedoms in connecting this way with full clothed members of the opposite sex in dance..:)

I used to be a pretty big fan of Dennis Prager's shows on AM radio (political conservative but with a lot of additional stuff on love, happiness, etc. that he endeavored to nail on the mark as best he could). He had a particular relationship topics show where he said something to the effect that in a marriage it's important that a man to an extent lusts after his wife, that he and his wife should both work to balance the roles between romantic partners on one level and parents of their children on the other; that the man is attracted to his romantic partner rather than the role of mother-of-his-children and that couples shouldn't fall too much into the trap of purely regarding each other as 'mom' and 'dad' but rather making sure that they keep their date nights and points where they're able to keep the spark of what their single and dating life was with one or another simultaneously lit. I'd consider that very true because relationships can be very difficult to maintain and it can take everything people have available sometimes to keep the fires lit and keep the marriage together (particularly in a very stressful and far from perfect world).

Obviously like a lot of his better thoughts I'm sure there were plenty of times when he brought that up, just that I think it follows right in line with breaking old tautologies that you can't synthesize what seem like two different things; quite often success in many roles in life requires that dynamic equilibrium or synthesis.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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30 May 2015, 3:10 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Anyway here's the documentary on the science of lust. And Love does balance that out; as my marriage is still definitely successful and not compromised through the sensual freedoms in connecting this way with full clothed members of the opposite sex in dance..:)

I used to be a pretty big fan of Dennis Prager's shows on AM radio (political conservative but with a lot of additional stuff on love, happiness, etc. that he endeavored to nail on the mark as best he could). He had a particular relationship topics show where he said something to the effect that in a marriage it's important that a man to an extent lusts after his wife, that he and his wife should both work to balance the roles between romantic partners on one level and parents of their children on the other; that the man is attracted to his romantic partner rather than the role of mother-of-his-children and that couples shouldn't fall too much into the trap of purely regarding each other as 'mom' and 'dad' but rather making sure that they keep their date nights and points where they're able to keep the spark of what their single and dating life was with one or another simultaneously lit. I'd consider that very true because relationships can be very difficult to maintain and it can take everything people have available sometimes to keep the fires lit and keep the marriage together (particularly in a very stressful and far from perfect world).

Obviously like a lot of his better thoughts I'm sure there were plenty of times when he brought that up, just that I think it follows right in line with breaking old tautologies that you can't synthesize what seem like two different things; quite often success in many roles in life requires that dynamic equilibrium or synthesis.

Not very likely I would have very gotten married, if I had not met the 'one'.

No one else I ever meet, is equipped do deal with ALL OF ME.

But alas, children are not part of the mix of our marriage; and
that makes a huge difference, in associated duties and
stresses of marriage. It's easier, as far as I can
see without children; to keep it somewhat
romantic; but with years, friends
are more like it; at least
with 25, like us..;)

If I have children I will neither
be here; or anywhere else
free; as responsibilities
of children do come
first, rather
or couple's

In my book, at least;
and in my case, I choose
freedom, and other
ways of regenerative
abilities; it works
for me..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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