Raptor wrote:
In my experience it's mostly liberals that take Hannity seriously and listen to his every word just as they do wth Beck and Limbaugh. Even as a hate-filled conservative, I rarely ever take the time to listen to any talk show even if it is conservaive leaning. If I wanted to know what Hannity, Beck, or Limbaugh are up to I'd just listen to the latest thing the libs are in a flap over.
I don't listen to the conservative pundits at all. I cringe at their tone just like i cringe at the tone of rachel maddow and some others.
But i assure you. I live in the reddest city in this very red state of Utah, and i talk to these people every day. They seem normal until they start talking about current events.
One of them keeps telling me that the democrats want all the poor hispanic people to come here illegally from mexico so that they can vote for democrats.
When i counter that there are no reports of widespread voter fraud of any kind, let alone reports of undocumented immigrants attempting to vote in any substantial number, they look at me like i have missed some kind of pure truth that everyone else knows.
Our quite sensible public safety officials successfully got a law passed that allows undocumented immigrants to apply for and acquire a driver's license. The reasoning behind this is simple: This allows us to know who they are, to have them demonstrate an ability to operate a moving vehicle and a knowledge of traffic laws. It allows us to lean on them to get insurance. There is no downside - worst case scenario we know more about the people driving cars on the road, and more of them are insured. And their driver's license clearly shows that they are not a citizen.
Some racist nitwit got his panties in a bunch and we all had to dig up our birth certificates and social security cards to renew our licenses.
Because people actually believe this nonsense.