ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
sly279 wrote:
not a lot of voters in small towns though.
When you combine all of the small towns, it's a good amount of people. Maybe not as many as a large urban center like NYC buroughs.
When a president visits one, a sense of solidarity can have a ripple effect.
but when you do it in big cites, people fromt he small towns near by travel to see it.
when he came to my city it was an bother. people got pulled over and questioned. he came at the same time we had an airsoft game. so people in cammo meeting at starbucks before heading out was considered to them suspicious.
last time one came here was in the 1990s for the thruston shooting. i was young so to me it was just exciting to see what we think was the presidents hand waving from his limo on the highway, which was closed down for him, its the main way to get to anywhere in the two cities. so i imagine for working people it sucked.