Pope Francis Supports Science While Having Faith In God.
Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope made comments which experts said put an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, Benedict XVI.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 22514.html
You've got me. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to the pope for the most part. But I have noticed that this pope does things a bit different than his predecessors. It's kind of a refreshing change of pace.
No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)
Don't see the problem here.
Practically, we need people like him on our side, because of the general public's bizarre tendency to listen to religious leaders, politicians and celebrities instead of scientists. Ok, there are reasons, but I will not discuss them here.
Besides, who knows what kind of God he truly believes in? His profession and image demands that he must believe in a Judeo-Christian God, but he can, in private, have different interpretations. As long as he does not distort science to conform to his personal beliefs, I have no beef with this man.
Heck, he is more qualified to comment on scientific matters than so many politicians. Probably has a better understanding as well.
Yes, I know, but in the above quote he does say, "The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real" (emphasis added). That's quite a claim to make.
What I see here is a person who doesn't seem to have the integrity to actually state what his true beliefs really are, and who just wants to be seen as being "trendy" by embracing whatever it is he believes most people in the West accept as being true, even if, objectively speaking, they could not be more wrong. The Bible itself supports neither evolution nor the "Big Bang" theory, so if he considers himself to be a true Christian then he should reject both.
Yes, I know - Genesis is "allegorical", and should not be taken literally. I, however, find it extremely difficult to take anything at all allegorically (only literally), so struggle as I may, I just cannot reconcile modern science with Christianity. It just doesn't work.
(I'm not a Christian, by the way. I just thought I should mention that before anyone assumes it, as has often happened in the past when I told them I was not an atheist).
Lord help me. I don't want to go here.
Ok. This is what I know about the new pope and The End Times. (Scary organ music please.)
The old pope was still alive and a new pope doesn't usually get put in his place until he dies. Well, the old pope was whisked away from his post and the new pope took his place. I believe they said that has never happened before in the history of the Vatican. This new pope is going against all the beliefs of the Catholic church to where even the Bishops are starting to say that.....(come closer so you can hear me) he is the helper of the Antichrist. Yep. You heard me. Anyway, what he is doing is what I was saying before in another thread about the NWO (New World Order) - he is bringing in the New World Religion. It's called Chrislam (Christian and Islam). He wants to unite these two religions together and that is IMPOSSIBLE because they have totally different beliefs. The NWO wants to have Sharia Law as the new law of the land.
One thing I know is this pope was supposed to go over to Israel and meet with Netanyahu, but instead he spent all of his time with the Muslims. I know he is in thick as thieves with Castro in Cuba and will be visiting Cuba soon and he is also in bed with Obama and will be visiting the White House I believe in September. First time a pope has ever visited the White House.
All we need now is for the stock market to collapse (an economist was saying they foresee that happening within the next year and Greece is starting the domino effect) and the dollar to be worthless and then we'll be on the road to a New World Government, a New World Religion and a New World Currency and a NWO just like the Elites intended. However, the Bible says different. And what the prophesies are saying is that this new pope is the LAST POPE to be reigning at the time of Armageddon.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Ok. This is what I know about the new pope and The End Times. (Scary organ music please.)
The old pope was still alive and a new pope doesn't usually get put in his place until he dies. Well, the old pope was whisked away from his post and the new pope took his place. I believe they said that has never happened before in the history of the Vatican. This new pope is going against all the beliefs of the Catholic church to where even the Bishops are starting to say that.....(come closer so you can hear me) he is the helper of the Antichrist. Yep. You heard me. Anyway, what he is doing is what I was saying before in another thread about the NWO (New World Order) - he is bringing in the New World Religion. It's called Chrislam (Christian and Islam). He wants to unite these two religions together and that is IMPOSSIBLE because they have totally different beliefs. The NWO wants to have Sharia Law as the new law of the land.
One thing I know is this pope was supposed to go over to Israel and meet with Netanyahu, but instead he spent all of his time with the Muslims. I know he is in thick as thieves with Castro in Cuba and will be visiting Cuba soon and he is also in bed with Obama and will be visiting the White House I believe in September. First time a pope has ever visited the White House.
All we need now is for the stock market to collapse (an economist was saying they foresee that happening within the next year and Greece is starting the domino effect) and the dollar to be worthless and then we'll be on the road to a New World Government, a New World Religion and a New World Currency and a NWO just like the Elites intended. However, the Bible says different. And what the prophesies are saying is that this new pope is the LAST POPE to be reigning at the time of Armageddon.
NurseAngela, I'm desperately trying to figure out if you are actually being serious here.
Anyway, according to a number of popular books that were written about the prophecies of Nostradamus (ex. by Erika Cheetham) about 30 years or so ago, there would be two popes after John Paul II, and since Ratzinger took the reins when that pope died, that means that this is the last one!
Arm a geddin outa here!

Ok. This is what I know about the new pope and The End Times. (Scary organ music please.)
The old pope was still alive and a new pope doesn't usually get put in his place until he dies. Well, the old pope was whisked away from his post and the new pope took his place. I believe they said that has never happened before in the history of the Vatican. This new pope is going against all the beliefs of the Catholic church to where even the Bishops are starting to say that.....(come closer so you can hear me) he is the helper of the Antichrist. Yep. You heard me. Anyway, what he is doing is what I was saying before in another thread about the NWO (New World Order) - he is bringing in the New World Religion. It's called Chrislam (Christian and Islam). He wants to unite these two religions together and that is IMPOSSIBLE because they have totally different beliefs. The NWO wants to have Sharia Law as the new law of the land.
One thing I know is this pope was supposed to go over to Israel and meet with Netanyahu, but instead he spent all of his time with the Muslims. I know he is in thick as thieves with Castro in Cuba and will be visiting Cuba soon and he is also in bed with Obama and will be visiting the White House I believe in September. First time a pope has ever visited the White House.
All we need now is for the stock market to collapse (an economist was saying they foresee that happening within the next year and Greece is starting the domino effect) and the dollar to be worthless and then we'll be on the road to a New World Government, a New World Religion and a New World Currency and a NWO just like the Elites intended. However, the Bible says different. And what the prophesies are saying is that this new pope is the LAST POPE to be reigning at the time of Armageddon.
NurseAngela, I'm desperately trying to figure out if you are actually being serious here.
Anyway, according to a number of popular books that were written about the prophecies of Nostradamus (ex. by Erika Cheetham) about 30 years or so ago, there would be two popes after John Paul II, and since Ratzinger took the reins when that pope died, that means that this is the last one!
Arm a geddin outa here!

I'm trying to make the subject lighter, but yes, that is how I'm seeing things and I'm hearing them from different sources. Patients that I don't even know are saying it. It seems the people who are religious know what is going on and everyone else is "asleep". The Bilderberg Group are the elites along with George Soros. That's on the NW Government side. The religious side of the NW Religion is the pope and ISIS and Iran - all of the Middle East and they are wanting to blow up Israel - that's where the Iran Nuclear Arms Deal comes in. Russia is in on this too and I'm not sure what is going on with them except that I have heard from news sources that Russia is against ISIS and there might be some war over in Paris? I'm not sure about all that yet. However, I do know they are beheading all of the Christians in the Middle East just like when Hitler took over the world and ISIS is supposed to come over here too. What is happening in the Middle East is all in the Bible. Israel has already said they are getting ready for Armageddon and are building their Temple on the Temple Mount. Laugh at me all you want, but there's just too much of the same information that I'm hearing from different sources for me to discount it. I'm a realist too and have never been extremely religious, but I'm seeing this stuff happening right in front of me. It's just easier to not see it if you're over here in the US and not paying attention to anything but when the next game is on TV. There are only certain news places that I get my information from and I also have a certain religious person that I listen to and my friend Julia knows the Bible really well. There's other things that I think are going to happen, but I think I've said plenty already.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
Scientists will leave the Big Bang Theory for some other model that also does not resemble Genesis either. So it wont change anything the Pope said.

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