Joined: 23 Oct 2015 Age: 37 Posts: 3,201 Location: England
17 Apr 2016, 3:17 am
Another Black Pigeon tirade.
Video summary for GGPViper:
Goodbye Western civilisation, we hardly knew ye.
War is coming.
Trump is right.
Islam is not like other religions. It does not integrate, it only conquers. This will not end well.
The Muslim population continues to increase in Western countries, both through uncontrolled immigration and by the difference in birth rates. The level of violence and instability in a country increases along side the relative population of Muslims it contains. The war of Islam vs everyone else that started 1400 years ago, never ended, there was just a temporary tactical peace treaty in place, that has now been annulled.
In the long run we have three choices: Submission, civil war, or preemptive deportation. Western governments and their media arms have already made their choice: they are already submitting to the wishes of the minority, hence "creeping Sharia"
_________________ Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
It takes 18 minutes and 22 seconds to watch the video, and 5 seconds to read the text of your post...
It's a summary, not a word for word reproduction. You'll know from my summary, whether this is a video you will be interested in watching, that's all.
Well, let's see what else Black Pigeon Speaks has to offer (other than his transphobia and homophobia, which you have already provided us with... gee, thanks).
Here is a gem from the first 30 seconds of another one of his videos (seriously, I'm not making this up):
Black Pigeon Speaks wrote:
"If women sexual preferences are liberated and go unchecked they destroy civilizations.
If women are allowed to choose, Harems form.
If women are allowed a voice in matters that pertain to the safety of a nation, then that nation will die. Inevitably. It's as simple as that.
Once you realize this, you understand the entire basis of civilized society. And if not, you'll understand by the end of this video.
Black Pigeon Speaks even reproduces (at 10:00) the obviously fake claim that 87 % of women who are raped reach orgasm. This was a troll post, involving a fictional author "Dr. Herschel Liebowitz" of a fictional study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
As such, one can only speculate about the quality of the other "scientific" sources Black Pigeon Speaks cites in this video (and other videos). And it only confirms what most people should have figured out a long time ago: YouTube is for entertainment, not for science.
Anyway... Given his views on women, it kind of makes me wonder why Black Pigeon Speaks has such a beef with Islam...
After all, I'm sure I could find quite a few quotes from Islamic scripture on the role of women that he would agree wholeheartedly with...
Joined: 23 Oct 2015 Age: 37 Posts: 3,201 Location: England
17 Apr 2016, 7:35 am
Ah come on that's a bit of a stretch GGPViper, one questionable statistic (mentioned in passing I might add, and specifically stating that he does not take that as supporting his position) does not discredit the entire video, nor every video that follows. With that sort of thinking, no one can ever hold an opinion of any worth, because no one is 100% right all the time.
_________________ Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Joined: 6 May 2008 Gender: Male Posts: 60,939 Location:
17 Apr 2016, 7:54 am
Pointless. America already has its own version of Sharia Law. It's called Puritanism, wherein people are afraid and angry over just the concepts of abortion, civil rights, evolution, homosexuality, promiscuity, women's rights, and the free expression of ideas.
The Puritan mindset is also dominated by the pervasive fear that someone, somewhere is having fun.
Essentially, modern-day Puritanism is Bible-based Sharia Law, and it's been around since the original Puritan colonists arrived on this continent nearly 400 years ago.
Ah come on that's a bit of a stretch GGPViper, one questionable statistic (mentioned in passing I might add, and specifically stating that he does not take that as supporting his position) does not discredit the entire video, nor every video that follows. With that sort of thinking, no one can ever hold an opinion of any worth, because no one is 100% right all the time.
Oh, so you only see a problem with the "87 % reach orgasm from rape" claim, and not - for instance - the "female liberation destroys civilization" claim?
Because for me, the latter *does* in fact discredit the entire video...
_________________ "If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
Joined: 23 Oct 2015 Age: 37 Posts: 3,201 Location: England
17 Apr 2016, 10:25 am
Oh, so you only see a problem with the "87 % reach orgasm from rape" claim, and not - for instance - the "female liberation destroys civilization" claim?
Because for me, the latter *does* in fact discredit the entire video...
No, but you mentioned one statistic, I defended the reputation of one man. As for the theory that female liberation is the source of all woes and the end of civilisation, if you are really interested: it isn't one I am particularly fond of, there is much more going on. I can say I think there is something in his theory worth considering. You can ask anyone who works in politics about "the female vote", it is a real and separate thing that politicians must and do pander to. To pretend women voting has had zero effect on the course of democratic civilisation is silly.
Myself, I suspect that female "liberation" (emphasis on the airquotes) is a ever-recurring symptom of declining civilisations, not the cause. There are patterns to be observed from history, read the essay "The Fate of Empires" by John Glubb, one of these patterns he identifies with decline is women pushing their way into male spaces. These long dead empires for the most part weren't democratic, yet still women found some (relatively unusual for the time) measure of emancipation before the end, that suggests to me that these proto-feminists took advantage of a preexisting weakness, rather than brought about the change themselves through force of body or will of mind.
_________________ Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Joined: 10 Dec 2007 Age: 33 Gender: Male Posts: 14,284 Location: Permanently banned by power tripping mods lol this forum is trash
17 Apr 2016, 10:40 am
Wide scale migration from Islamic countries is an existential threat to Western civilization if these people do not leave their Muslim faith and value system and only stay in their insular religious communities, simple as that. In Europe they are not integrating with passing generations as we've always been told but rather it is children of these immigrants that have become increasingly anti-Western and extreme in their views, Sharia is a real danger to Europe that it doesn't seem like their leadership is prepared to handle. European leaders are demanding their people bend to the will to these invaders, they do not act as guests but entitled brats with the implied threat of violence and terrorism if their demands are not met. White guilt gone mad, the worst cultural export to ever come out of the United States.
Last edited by Jacoby on 17 Apr 2016, 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Oh, so you only see a problem with the "87 % reach orgasm from rape" claim, and not - for instance - the "female liberation destroys civilization" claim?
Because for me, the latter *does* in fact discredit the entire video...
No, but you mentioned one statistic, I defended the reputation of one man. As for the theory that female liberation is the source of all woes and the end of civilisation, if you are really interested: it isn't one I am particularly fond of, there is much more going on. I can say I think there is something in his theory worth considering. You can ask anyone who works in politics about "the female vote", it is a real and separate thing that politicians must and do pander to. To pretend women voting has had zero effect on the course of democratic civilisation is silly.
Myself, I suspect that female "liberation" (emphasis on the airquotes) is a ever-recurring symptom of declining civilisations, not the cause. There are patterns to be observed from history, read the essay "The Fate of Empires" by John Glubb, one of these patterns he identifies with decline is women pushing their way into male spaces. These long dead empires for the most part weren't democratic, yet still women found some (relatively unusual for the time) measure of emancipation before the end, that suggests to me that these proto-feminists took advantage of a preexisting weakness, rather than brought about the change themselves through force of body or will of mind.
So... to summarize... and to cut through your evasiveness...
Joined: 23 Oct 2015 Age: 37 Posts: 3,201 Location: England
17 Apr 2016, 11:35 am
So... to summarize... and to cut through your evasiveness...
You *are* in fact a rampant woman hater...
And there's yet another ad hominem response from you. Your posts usually have the appearance of serious thought, but if you wish me to continue taking them seriously, stop arguing like a child.
_________________ Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Pidgeons are well know for their ability to produce copious amounts of poop.
_________________ "If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."