Are UK voters masochistic, or greedy?
Could be all three, but... I mean, the government pissed off both doctors and teachers, NHS is purposefully starved, steel industry just recently left to rot... even before last year's election the NHS was in crisis. So, how do they get re-elected, barring corruption? The economy perhaps, when it happens to go in a positive direction regardless of anything the chancellor can do in view of the wider world?
Or, is it just simply due to a fragmented vote with the Conservatives losing least from other parties? Scotland would have done better for Labour if it left the UK and just internally elected the SNP, right?
Depends on your view of corruption, the Tories were reelected mainly through an exorbitant spending campaign in certain key constituencies, there was no overall trend throughout the country towards a Tory win, if anything the general trend was towards a Labour win, but money won in the end with a lot of help from the collapse of the Lib Dems.
This would have happened whoever came to power, unfortunately the country is going bankrupt, doctors should just be happy for now they don't have to supplement their income with sex work on the side.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Perhaps simply a different view?
I voted Tory in the most recent election (Labour in the one before), because as I've gained more life experience I've realised how unfair life is. And this isn't unfair in terms of levels of equality. It's unfair in that time and time again I see hard-working people struggling whilst those that can't be bothered are given handouts enough to live quite comfortably on. And this isn't media propaganda - I don't follow the media at all - it's personal experience. So I voted Tory because I'm tired of that and can see very clearly that the Tories have been improving things for people like me - those workers that aren't earning a fortune but are working hard to pay their way.
And nothing is ideal. Not at all. I'm watching so many public services that are very important to me get demolished at the moment. I don't want that, but on balance I do stand by my vote. Particularly because I believe that those public services have no chance either way - had other more 'welfare' focused parties found their way into power, we'd see those that don't work encouraged to increase the population for their own benefit, putting even more pressure on those same public services. Fact is, the thought of losing the NHS completely is absolutely horrific and I'm seeing it happening right now, but I firmly believe that unless we take action to make people think more about their own behaviour living off the state, we're going to see a lot more of what we value buckling under the pressure of growing families that contribute nothing and have been taking more than ever. I want to see that kind of behaviour being discouraged, so I'll continue to vote for a party that I believe gives all workers some reward for what they're doing, whilst better limiting what's on offer to those that could work but don't.
And of course, I wish there could be more support for those that do genuinely need it. But I believe that will only happen when we make changes to stop those that don't from taking the funds. In my opinion, the people that really need financial support should have more of what's currently given to the people that don't, because their living costs are often far greater. But we can't expect public funds to be limitless, and unless we discourage those that have an alternative we can't expect change. I hate to see people with disabilities struggling to get by, whilst other people are unemployed and are not funding their own lifestyle but think it's acceptable to continue increasing the size of their family.
It all depends on where you see your fairness and equality line drawn. Personally I'm not focused as much on what's going on 'up there' and how far removed they are from me, but on what's happening here on the ground with the people that I've lived amongst and understand from first hand experience.
You have misplaced your faith in the Tory party to change any of this, they really aren't the antidote to the Blairite plague of the last 20 years or the last 50 years of "progressive" politics. They have no interest at all in changing the status quo, they have accepted everything New Labour has done and made almost no attempt to change anything, their entire raison d'etre is to gain office at any cost, country or ideology be damned.
They talk and talk about excessive Labour spending, but since they gained office in 2010, they made the national debt far worse. They could decimate the welfare system overnight if they wanted to, instead they make miniature PR tornadoes by cutting the income of a few vulnerable disabled welfare recipients, while leaving the Epsilon-minus semi-morons on Jeremy Kyle well alone.
What is the point of that you ask? The point is to get poor disabled people on tv moaning about the evil nasty Tory party cutting their income to appeal to voters like yourself, the Tory machine still knows that despite being anti-conservative and utterly amoral to it's core, it still relies on the votes of conservative minded people. Any cuts they make are usually insignificant and stage managed for your benefit. They liked the "Tory scum" brouhaha, the graffiti and the protesting students and doctors, they like Owen Jones crying on youtube, it makes them look like they are doing something when all they do is tread water and wait for the next radical Left wing government to have its turn.
This image is just more PR and lies, you cannot be in favour of your workers while simultaneously being in love with open borders and mass importation of cheap labour into every profession except those of the upper middle class. All this fluff about the new living wage is just going to increase immigration from the poorer parts of Europe and means very little when the continual borrowing and printing of money devalues the currency.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
The corruption that frequently gets governments returned with majorities on minority support, is the simplistic voting system of First Past the Post. Get more votes than any of your opponents separately, even if you get far less than them put together, you win the seat. All the voters for the other candidates have no further say. Do this in the majority of seats, which you can if your support exists in local concentrations, you win the country.