The notion that private enterprise can do things much better than government is most of the time a myth. The post office is much more efficient than private companies like UPS in delivering the mail and packages. Privately run jails, prisons, and youth offender facilities are notorious for cutting corners, abuse, and even corrupt deals with judges to increase sentencing in order to fill beds. Imagine if the US army, or police departments were private enterprises! Currently, my family and I have moved into a federally owned and operated apartment complex we've lived in, and I can say without hesitation that it is much more efficiently run than any privately owned complex, with much better services supplied (we don't have to pay separately for a garage or car port, things are actually fixed upon request, inspections are done to actually look for needed repairs rather than as a means to lean on unpopular tenants, and they don't play favorites with tenants). I wouldn't want to live in a country without private enterprise, but neither would I want to live in one without government services. For those who demean government's role in place of private business, they should be willing to recognize that government is active in such roles only because of the failure of private enterprise to live up to their responsibility to the community, rather than just making money off of them.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer