Ideas always occur to me when I am in the process of doing something else and cannot write them down and this happened yesterday while I was in my car on the way to a destination. I thought about how, where I live, most lose all reason when it comes to carbon based fuel and will lie down and roll over for any company that drills for oil, fracks for natural gas or oil, or mines for minerals and coal. This kind of fuel releases a lot of carbon dioxide into the air and regardless of your opinion on climate change, CO2 is recognized to be a pollutant by scientists and environmentalist. It's pollution. That's what it is. So, it seems logical, industry should try to reduce the release of pollutants into the air we breathe.
So yesterday, I was thinking, there are obvious markets for carbon based fuel. These would be power plants in locations which are too stormy, do not have much sun or wind, and are prone to quakes. That's the perfect market for coal, but not every market should be forced to use this resource for fuel and where I live, coal is definitely NOT the prefered and logical choice but it is one that is made due to excuses, imo.
These thoughts were triggered when I observed my surroundings and saw a light with solar panel attached and I thought, the city's trying to save as much money as it can so it does the logical thing and it gets a solar panel for this light and saves a boatload of money that way, instead of paying a power company to funnel coal generated electricity into it and then I thought, this is what we should ALL be encouraged to do. Hell, even the city does it! So obviously someone, somewhere, has a clue! They are sick of high electric bills to run the city so they simply buy a panel and stick it on a light to save money. Where I live, wind and sun are in abundance so this is obviously a prime location for that kind of energy. The entire southern US is! Coal is really only needed up north where there is very little sunlight because of earth angles and whatnot, and where nuclear energy is not practical due to earth's instability.
Coal would be a good choice in locations where it is harvested, since it wouldn't cost much to ship.
What I object to, is this coal industry attempting to ram their coal down everyone's throat, acting like it's the ONLY possible way to light up the country. There should be SECTORS and where I live, despite rampant fossil fuel interests, that have appeared to team up with these coal entities from places like West Virginia, just to consolidate and lobby harder so they can monopolize and make billions of dollars which they put into more politics, which is corrupt and controlling. It's not the best option.
We are CLEARLY a sun/wind energy market down here, as is the entire southern US, and it would be cheapest and best for us to abandon coal and natural gas for that matter, while utilizing our most accessible, abundant resources, sun and air. Even the city knows to do this. If they were so big on coal, they wouldn't think twice about putting solar panels on everything. You can find one on virtually any light. And I am sure there are factions in this state who object because Lord knows if these solar panels start popping up everywhere, people will start getting ideas and the stranglehold will be lost and can't let that happen!
It just irritates me when people are so closed minded and it really annoys me that anyone would complain when they see one of those solar panels, trying to pressure the city to abandon them because we can't let the people know, solar panels are the cheapest, smartest way to go down here.
It's a myth that coal is needed everywhere and there should be choices based on what the best options are and it's not always coal so deal with it. It's called the free market. How ironic people who are so into capitalism only support it when it increases their cash flow but to hell with it when it doesn't.