K_Kelly wrote:
OK, I understand that, but what is it that makes conservative ideas more "bad" than liberal ideas?
It really depends on what you mean by "liberal" and "conservative" here. I'm guessing, from the content of your post, you are talking about social politics - things like homosexuality, the subjugation of women, drug use.
The basic tenet of social conservatism is usually a variation upon "we've always done it this way, so we should keep doing it this way" (perhaps "the law says this, so we should do this", or "the book says this, so we should do this").
The basic tenet of social liberalism is usually a variation upon "if it doesn't hurt anyone else, we should allow it".
I think most people - even, in all probability, many social conservatives - would
intellectually prefer the second statement, but I might be overestimating the degree to which people are like me.
So, social conservatism says homosexuality is abhorrent because of tradition/the (old) law/religious teachings, whilst social liberalism teaches that punishing homosexuality is equally abhorrent because it restrict liberty and provides no benefit. Increasingly, people are being won around by the socially liberal point of view. That means that people who support homosexuality - now a majority in most of the West, certainly amongst young people - are more confident sharing their views and condemning those who don't hold them. A hundred years ago, calls for homosexuals to be given the right to marry would probably have got you in as much trouble as calling for homosexuals to face the death penalty would today.