What ARE Donald Trump's policy positions?
Type Trump 2016 on Google and go to the campaign website, he hasn't released them all, then again I wouldn't release them all at once when I have a year and a half still ahead until the General so as to avoid fading away.
Here is a summary of what he's said:
Kick out the illegals
Build a wall to keep them out
Get us out of the training mess in the ME and let Assad and ISIS duke it out while targeting ISIS energy
Pro 2nd Amendment
Lower less confusing Taxes for middle class
Anti politically correct
Ignore hate groups like BLM
Get jobs back from China and Mexico
And he is actually now against refugees being allowed in the US and even says they could be an ISIS plot after noticing how they are all men in their 20s. This is unlike what is said on WP by many.

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Trump's position is to promote himself in the eyes of the kind of people he wouldn't waste a word on if he met them on the street, by spouting the most bigoted populist rhetoric, ranging from subtle and not so subtle racism, nativism, mysogyny, and the like. If Trump thought he could get as much support by taking the exact opposite position, he would.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
So you're saying he's a politician?
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- Rick Sanchez
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Trump is a populist, obviously his signature issue is illegal immigration which he supports mass deportation and securing the border with a wall. He's economic nationalist basically meaning he opposes globalism and is against these free trade agreements like NAFTA and TPP. Praised universal healthcare systems of Canada and Scotland, wants to tax the rich. His tax plan is better than Rand's imo, it preserves a bit of progressiveness, I can't support any "conservative" that wants to create a national sales tax or VAT without repealing the 16th amendment. Foreign policy he seems to be fairly sane relative to the rest of the GOP who are pining to start WWIII with Russia and Iran, saying we'd be better off with Gaddafi and Saddam in power is completely correct. I see his foreign policy as more of an America first one which is certainly better the neo-trots we have running our country right now. I don't think Trump cares a ton about social issues, I think he'll say what he has to say to appeal to GOP voters but Trump is a metropolitan New York City guy who regularly dined with the Clinton's so I don't think he's in all actuality a raging homophobe or much for fire/brimstone.
Trump is saner than 90% of Republicans once you get beyond the bluster

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So you're saying he's a politician?
Most politicians stick to one political philosophy, and remain life long adherents to it. I don't see Trump doing anything of that sort. Even fellow Republican Presidential contender, Marco Rubio, had said of Trump: "He's not a conservative, he's not a liberal," going on to describe Trump as a narcissist only out for himself. Probably the only time I'll ever agree with Rubio.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Politicians flip flop all the time, Hilary and Obama both did it on gay rights, Sanders is doing it on guns, the entire democratic party does it on war depending on who's in office, it's hardly unique to Trump, in fact 'the convert' is a favored political story. Really though, I don't think his positions matter all that much, it's more about him personally, kinda like Obama in '08 ironically enough.
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- Rick Sanchez

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Politicians flip flop all the time, Hilary and Obama both did it on gay rights, Sanders is doing it on guns, the entire democratic party does it on war depending on who's in office, it's hardly unique to Trump, in fact 'the convert' is a favored political story. Really though, I don't think his positions matter all that much, it's more about him personally, kinda like Obama in '08 ironically enough.
The position of gay marriage and rights held by Hilary and Obama was, I think, more a matter of political expediency, much like Lincoln's public views on allowing slavery to survive, while public opinion had yet to change. Those opinions changed when public opinion was swayed. The thing is, Obama and Clinton still held to basic liberal tenants, as do Cruz and Paul, while Trump is a narcissistic political chameleon who becomes what he wants in order to gain the upper hand.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Are we talking about the same Hillary here?
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... -icon.html
According to Bill Clinton, who admitted to having “much more contact in my life with gay people than Hillary has,” the former First Lady had a “general discomfort” with gay-rights issues and was “really a little put off by some of this stuff.”
Perhaps that’s one reason why it took her until 2013 to publicly back gay marriage. And perhaps this helps explain why, during her husband’s administration, she didn’t speak out against the travel ban on people with HIV, the Defense of Marriage Act, or the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, all of which he signed into law.
Obama obviously "evolved" his opinion according to public sentiment, but Hillary seems to have a touch of genuine homophobia, and comes off as even more calculating in her recent embrace of the cause. Bill was also famous for his "triangulation", stealing issues from the GOP according to which way the political winds were blowing in order to assure his own political success, liberal principals be damned; how is that any less phony than Trump? He even executed a mentally ret*d man to prove how tough on crime his was, a record his wife is now running away from as fast as possible, another "evolution", or flip flop, depending on your partisan alignment.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez

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Are we talking about the same Hillary here?
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... -icon.html
According to Bill Clinton, who admitted to having “much more contact in my life with gay people than Hillary has,” the former First Lady had a “general discomfort” with gay-rights issues and was “really a little put off by some of this stuff.”
Perhaps that’s one reason why it took her until 2013 to publicly back gay marriage. And perhaps this helps explain why, during her husband’s administration, she didn’t speak out against the travel ban on people with HIV, the Defense of Marriage Act, or the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, all of which he signed into law.
Obama obviously "evolved" his opinion according to public sentiment, but Hillary seems to have a touch of genuine homophobia, and comes off as even more calculating in her recent embrace of the cause. Bill was also famous for his "triangulation", stealing issues from the GOP according to which way the political winds were blowing in order to assure his own political success, liberal principals be damned; how is that any less phony than Trump? He even executed a mentally ret*d man to prove how tough on crime his was, a record his wife is now running away from as fast as possible, another "evolution", or flip flop, depending on your partisan alignment.
Granted, Hilary is not the most genuine person in the world. Hopefully, if she does become President, she'll do the opportune thing - which in this case is the right thing - and put away her homophobic prejudices.
With Obama, he had actually been pro-gay rights in the Illinois senate, but realized he had to tone that down when he ran for his first term. I suspect he had been planning to support marriage equality in his second term, but was outed as it were, by Biden.
As for the mentally ret*d man having been executed by Bill Clinton - actually, half that story is bull sh*t. The man had been brain damaged, only after his conviction during a prison fight. So, no, the guy wasn't ret*d ever.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Like many people on both sides of the aisle, Trump believes that all would be well if only absolute power were given to the right person. And he thinks that he is that person.
If through some cataclysm Trump actually ended up in office, he wouldn't be guided by any particular philosophy or ideology, because he has none. He'd follow the whim of the moment. So whatever your personal leanings, he'd do or say something you approved of one day, then do or say the complete opposite the next day.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission – which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." – Ayn Rand
By his own words Trump defined major problems, that the rest ignored.
Illegal immigrants weaken our nation and the rule of law. Enforcing laws is not optional, or all laws become optional, and only force matters. Illegals and guns are just about enforcing existing laws. Having effective border controls are also existing law and the duty of whoever is elected to office to enforce.
Trump speaks of the economic situation, no one else does. $20 Trillion in debt, sinking at a Trillion a year, is not a supportable economic plan.
For the first part, spending more than income, taxes need to be raised on those who benefit, and recently that has been Finance, Banks, Brokers, and Investors. A tax on Securities purchases, 1% would bring in a lot, and Income from Dividends, Capital Gains, Carried Interest, should all be ordinary income, and taxed as such, and pay Social Security on all of it.
Taxes should be as high as needed to meet current needs, and a Sinking Fund to retire all Bond Debt.
We have a $20 Trillion debt because of under taxing in the past. Like QE3, it is interest free money given to some to develop the economy. It was a bad deal in that the very rich got much richer, so calling for repayment is reasonable.
Ike had a 95% top tax rate, paid off WWII, Korea, built the American Autobahn, and deported the Mexicans and other illegals. The result was the best boom economy ever.
Japan, Korea, and now China are building cars and other products in America. It is not something impossible. In Japan building a car factory is like buying the land in New York City. Taxes are not low, labor is not cheap. Japan builds cars here because with shipping, it is cheaper to build them here.
Germany had the same problem, it was cheaper to open a factory in eastern Europe, Germany pointed out that those people do not speak German, are not trained to our standards, so Labor, Capital, Management, The State sat down and came up with a plan. Education to produce the trained workers needed, Tax Breaks to equalize the costs, and they kept the jobs in Germany.
True, it will not work for someone running a sewing machine, but for a lot of manufacturing, Computer Numeric Control, Robotics, we do have people who can learn it just as well, speak English, we have vast spaces, a diverse workforce, low cost of living, without the problems of long distance Management, and Shipping.
Tariffs and Tax Benefits, Americans become the better workers.
Trump speaks of National Culture, Make American Great Again.
It is not the economic power that won WWII, nobody made a beach landing for General Electric, they did it for each other and National Culture.
This is where Trump stands above all, he is not running as a Republican, he is running as an American.
Regaining control of the borders, the domestic spending, the debt, charging for access to our markets, giving small business a system of less regulation and paperwork than major corporations, recognizing that Main Street collects more taxes and hires more workers than all the Multi Nationals, and is being burdened with failed programs, like being the only industrial country without Universal Health Care, putting that cost, and compliance paperwork on small business and startups.
Like Obama said, you did not build that road, the rail line, that port, so you should pay to use it. The same applies to Workers Health Care and Education, it is the duty of the State to provide, and business to pay some rent for use.
We are losing traditional jobs, to computers, robots, and off shore. We are also losing our tax base. The unemployed do not just vanish, they collect Food Stamps. Lack of employment is a leading cause of crime. Young Black men have lost their position of being 60% employed thirty years ago, to being 25% employed today. As the economy declined, wages stagnated, we went from 600,000 in jail to three million. They cost about $30,000 a year each. Most would take a job that paid $20,000 and stay out of jail.
It is our problem as a Nation. A WPA, CCC, Program that restored Public Lands, National Parks and Forests, built new Parks, would be cheaper than poverty, crime, police and Courts, Jails.
Blacks do not vote Republican, some now say they support the Black guy running, for some reason, and 25% say they support Trump, because he speaks of a new and better path for young Black men. Yes, they all voted for Obama, now they are skipping over the Black guy running, and coming out in favor of the White guy.
I listened to two Black women speaking in line at Goodwill about their children, one said, my son is 21, and I am just glad he is still alive. Those women will vote for Trump.
I would say that Trump has laid out enough policy positions to live up to. Some things will never pass Congress, like regulating Congress, and the Supreme Court will have it's say. A President is a figurehead, a spokesman for the Nation, a Leader, not an absolute ruler.
We can come together as a Nation and deal with the problems of the past that burden the future, Vote Trump! Do it for the Second Graders!
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That prick who calls himself Donald Trump should withdraw from the campaign as soon as possible. Many polls now indicate that he is losing support from all angles and that Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina will soon be the frontrunner.
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!
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