nurseangela wrote:
There will never be a cure even though I believe they already have one.
Reminds me of the doctors and nurses that caught Ebola and they all just happened to get a certain "serum" and came out of it alive. I think they have a cure for Ebola too, but because of money they don't want to sent the treatment over to Africa.
Drug researchers and their families are at the same risk of cancer as everyone else.
Combine that with the fact that a lot of research happens in universities and me why a researcher would keep a cure hidden or allow it to be hidden?
They would be immediately the most famous medical researcher in history, and would be remembered for centuries.
As for ebola, for years now medical science has known that it is not actually a hemorrhagic fever.
It's an illness that makes you spew at both ends and run a bad fever. It's hard on your kidneys and liver. You treat it by treating the symptoms and keeping the patient hydrated.
The doctors and nurses that caught it were treated very early in the disease cycle. There is, in fact, no evidence that the experimental drugs that some of them received worked at all.
Or are you referring to people who received transfusions from people who had recently recovered from the disease? This is very old-school medicine with regard to viruses -- since it is the patient's immune system that defeats the virus, the blood from someone who has recovered likely contains a strong immune response to the disease.
It's not mysterious, it's T-cells. We don't have a way to manufacture t-cells outside of human bodies. Well, not a reliable way.