If we have two individuals, A and B, who grew up in the very same group which told them not to do harm to other people, and A does not do it because he wouldn't do it anyway, and B refrains from it too, but only because the group told him not to do so, isn't B evil nonetheless, regardless of wether or not he does harm to others? After all, he only refrains from doing harm because the group told him not to, not because he wouldn't do so anyway.
That's my point. I believe that B is evil, regardless of the fact he hasn't done any harm to others, but based off the fact that he would do so, if the group told him so.
True human angels are those who refrain from doing harm unto others (I'm not talking self-defense here), regardless the social context, regardless of the law, regardless of culture.
Apparently society is filled with non-angelic beings, since we have to have a society which have to codify non-harmful behavior.
That is evidence that most people are not angels, but demons.
Otherwise, we wouldn't need a law on violence.
In-fact I believe that with brain scans, at least in the coming years of the technological development, we can actually pinpoint individuals and test if they would refrain from harmful behavior, regardless of the social context (as in: "being told to do so", not anger or self-defense). Then we can preemptively punish them for being born evil.
That would make a huge punishment scene on planet Earth, as I believe most people are born evil, but let the testing begin and let's see for ourselves: How many people would refrain from doing harm onto others, regardless of their culture or religion?
- and let us give those people a Paradise on planet Earth for the rest of their life.
- and to hell with everybody else.
With technology, we shall play God!