I yearn for greatness more than Good or Evil. I tried alot to decleare myself as a Prophet to the Mosque I used to go to but not anymore. And they deleted my posts from the internet and fought against me greatly. They didnt allow me even to just be a supporter. Therefore I will seek greatness through the path of evil. Not Islam, not Judaism, or Christianity. And just so I will be honest with you. Jews and Muslims are fooling you all. They are not enemies. They just pretend to be bad guys and good guys each to play this world as they want, this God. And Christians are in the middle. It is a game and we are all to sensitive for pain and obey therefore. But we have advanced in thechonology and dont need old fashioned rules. Where we will have to fear death and pain. I urge you to follow me and embrace death (and good life) because nothing happens after death. And I will pretend no more. I want you to appoint me as a Godhead as the Sunni Muslims wants the west to produce. Although, I will not call myself Godhead. I will call myself for AntiChrist. Or Christ. Yours truly. You cant see the difference but I think you will be more accomodating than Muslims are. I belive that Anti Christ comes out before Christ does. And Muslims says that when Anti Christ comes out then every muslim are obligated to follow him. I want a start capital. I will be your mockingjay. And there will be a 3 world war between the good and evil forces. I will stand for the evil. But I intend to survive by all means. Because I want a world of sience, not fairytales. For seriously. Both Muslims and Christians, even the socalled bad Jews are wrong if they belive that Jesus came out without male intervention from Mary. I will not belive in such BS. And Islam is not the religion of science. You get this, right? It is important.
I am already speaking out in my small community that I am Christ/ Anti Christ. And I crave Honor! Noone is better than me. I am will strong.
And today, the Imam at the mosque talked about sometheing before i decided that I will not join them anylonger. HE said that that we live with two promises in this life. The promise of God and the Devil, Lucifer. Or AntiChrist (because Lucifer is not abstract angel, he could be an Idealistic, but not an idea). Lucifer lured adam (the human) out of the graden (in this life, not the next he said) and eve of course, and then he turned against their children and made them enter into a losing battle and when they lost, he said I disbelive in your and do not associate myself to you and you do not call to me and I do not call to you. This is exactly WHAT I DID to the west. I made Breivik in Norway, and I made ISIS. Great claims but true and I have proof. I am the shot in sarajevo that started the war, but I did not die. Although, I was trortured in hospital and was about to die several times there. I want to repent, not to a Guy in heaven or inside mekka but to reality. I want to be real. And I want honor. And I want strength. And intelligence. And sex. I am no virging Jesus! And I refuse to die at the cross. I will fight!