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13 Nov 2015, 7:11 am

*The following post is was made purely for speculative purposes only. It is not meant to degrade, insult or propagandize against any religions, race or any of the many Christian church divisions.*

What I mean is, What if they were two 'Gods' that existed between both the Old and New Testament. Here are brief descriptions of these aforementioned Gods:

Old Testament God: The original God that created humanity and the world and the one who brought the foundation of the Old Testament as well as the many Jewish and middle eastern traditions that were inspired by it. He unfortunately was dying by the time he sent one of his Angels to announce Marie of Jesus Christ's birth.

New Testament God: Also known as Jesus Christ as many Catholics would believe, This new God is a descendant and rightful heir of the Old Testament God that unfortunately died shortly after taking his place. He uses the influence and wisdom of his late father while also taking advantage of his own ideas; an example of his 'new ideas' might be the homosexual revolution that is happening just recently. He unfortunately has to also deal with the damages and imperfections that were left behind by his father as well; something that is, without a doubt, prevalent in the middle eastern lands that were once home to both his mortal self as well as his father's prophets.

As you might have figured out by now, God was dying by the end of the Old Testament and he needed a new heir to replace him before he dies. That is, of course, when Jesus Christ comes in and, throughout the course of the New Testament, proves to his father he has what it takes to take his divine and heavenly place.

Of course, like I said in the disclaimer above, its only just speculation and I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong in some areas. :wink:

What do you think? Is there only one God or maybe do you believe there's two? Tell me all about it! :D

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15 Nov 2015, 1:12 am

Jesus also said "Before Abraham was, I AM' which leads me to believe there's only one God.


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15 Nov 2015, 4:30 am

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15 Nov 2015, 10:32 am

AspieOtaku wrote:

I think, in my honest and personal belief, That Nietzsche is the embodiment of the Devil himself. For I believe that, while Devil punishes those who have sinned, he still craves for evil; an evil that Nietzsche also craved. his methods and ideals are all but benevolent; he is a trickster, a being that causes corruption via his mind bending tricks.

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15 Nov 2015, 10:41 am

There was a Christian heretic in late Roman times (but I cant track him down just now) who believed that the God of the OT, and that of the NT, were two different Gods. And the OT one was the evil false one. Might have been a variant of Gnosticism.


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22 Nov 2015, 2:38 am

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:

Of course, like I said in the disclaimer above, its only just speculation and I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong in some areas. :wink:

Tell me all about it! :D

What if you are wrong in all areas?

What you propose is not a true debate.

You assume that a god exists.
You assume that the Bible contains truth.
and so on....

Your statements are based on a priori fallacies.

Be well.


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22 Nov 2015, 4:09 pm

The God of the New Testament is the same God of the Old Testament, but the New Testament provides an intermediary between this uncompromising God and us mere mortals in the form of his Son, Jesus, who is described as a King and a High Priest so it is rather less dangerous for us to approach God in our sinful condition.

However, this arrangement will only last a further 1000 years from the time of Jesus second coming, for after that, according to 1 Corinthians 15, Jesus relinquishes that role when he hands the Kingdom back to God, we will then be in the same relationship as the Jews of the Old Testament were with God, but hopefully in a more pleasingly cleansed state.

" 20 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. 23 But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. 24 Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.


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25 Nov 2015, 11:55 am

Maybe God has become many Aspects throughout mythology and all other deities are actually part of the same Spirit?
I think that Nietzsche was a cynical, dark, and probably quite depressed man, but not an evil spirit.

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28 Nov 2015, 6:27 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
There was a Christian heretic in late Roman times (but I cant track him down just now) who believed that the God of the OT, and that of the NT, were two different Gods. And the OT one was the evil false one. Might have been a variant of Gnosticism.

You might be thinking of Marcion as I remember he had that conflict. Most of the Christian Gnostic sects seemed to either directly or indirectly imply that the demiurge, ie. the being that created the universe we know, was a puffed-up child with no idea where it came from and that beings from the pleroma had to outsmart it (tough task I'm sure) to be able to intervene on humanity's behalf.

So many of the stories from the Nag Hammadi, Pistis Sophia, etc. seem to go that way whether they're Valentinian, Sethite, Ophite, etc.. I'm not sure what was happening in that particular region at the time to fuel this kind of dualism, Alexandrian gnosticism of the Hermetic type has a much more neoplatonist/pantheistic monist flavor whereas the rest of this seems very Zoroastrian/Manichean.

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28 Nov 2015, 6:33 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
What do you think? Is there only one God or maybe do you believe there's two? Tell me all about it! :D

I think there are much simpler explanations.

I'd look to philosophies of the region at the time, synchretism between them, what the various stories share with other religions, and see if you can find more contexts that way. Cultural and historical digging will yield more than trying to make sense of the bible on a literal read.

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28 Nov 2015, 6:36 pm

I believe in 1 God but your theory is interesting.

Some years ago I read a book on the development of consciousness and the concept of God. The following is the central text I read:

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

It's interesting in regards to the closeness of God as through Jesus. And going back, the wholly otherness if God, gods. How it was inconceivable the divine should ever be understood by humanity.

Jaynes discusses the possibility of neurological development also playing a major part in theology, approach of things divine. It's a theory but a well-developed one with proofs through texts and emphases in imagery, iconography.


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28 Nov 2015, 6:36 pm

The name "Marcion" sounds right.

The Gnostics were something else.

The Gnostics had a belief that the Universe was created by demiurge: a kind of incompetent tradesman that God hired to hang the dry wall.

Just now Googled it. Yes- Marcion is the person I a was thinking of.
He basically rejected the whole Old Testament. And considered the God of the OT (vengeful, punishing) as evil, and false. And that the God of the NT (who does have a nicer personality) as a seperate entity who was the true God.


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28 Nov 2015, 9:25 pm

Regarding the topic: there's three gods, jesus, god, and the holy spirit. They each serve as part and as the whole.

Regarding Nietzsche: he saw religion and the concept of god being changed according to interpretation and culture (or as he describes it: the christian god is an emasculated, castrated even, version of the god of the OT), and derived that such a god is a figment of culture, always open to contemporary interpretation. He reasoned that there was no objective will of god, as again, this was all interpretation in the current zeitgeist, and therefore no objective good and evil, and dared everyone to leave his cultural impregnation behind and find commands for himself, knowing that there is no other justification for them than the decision of the person making that decision (what he calls 'the will to power'). His philosophy is one of accepting the relativity of it all and individually rise beyond that. It is frustrating, depressing and difficult, trying to find a path for oneself without the moral backup of a god.

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30 Nov 2015, 10:43 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
*The following post is was made purely for speculative purposes only. It is not meant to degrade, insult or propagandize against any religions, race or any of the many Christian church divisions.*

What I mean is, What if they were two 'Gods' that existed between both the Old and New Testament. Here are brief descriptions of these aforementioned Gods:

Old Testament God: The original God that created humanity and the world and the one who brought the foundation of the Old Testament as well as the many Jewish and middle eastern traditions that were inspired by it. He unfortunately was dying by the time he sent one of his Angels to announce Marie of Jesus Christ's birth.

New Testament God: Also known as Jesus Christ as many Catholics would believe, This new God is a descendant and rightful heir of the Old Testament God that unfortunately died shortly after taking his place. He uses the influence and wisdom of his late father while also taking advantage of his own ideas; an example of his 'new ideas' might be the homosexual revolution that is happening just recently. He unfortunately has to also deal with the damages and imperfections that were left behind by his father as well; something that is, without a doubt, prevalent in the middle eastern lands that were once home to both his mortal self as well as his father's prophets.

As you might have figured out by now, God was dying by the end of the Old Testament and he needed a new heir to replace him before he dies. That is, of course, when Jesus Christ comes in and, throughout the course of the New Testament, proves to his father he has what it takes to take his divine and heavenly place.

Of course, like I said in the disclaimer above, its only just speculation and I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong in some areas. :wink:

What do you think? Is there only one God or maybe do you believe there's two? Tell me all about it! :D

According to the text, that's totally incorrect. However, because it's all a made-up story to begin with, why not speculate?


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01 Dec 2015, 2:22 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:

I think, in my honest and personal belief, That Nietzsche is the embodiment of the Devil himself. For I believe that, while Devil punishes those who have sinned, he still craves for evil; an evil that Nietzsche also craved. his methods and ideals are all but benevolent; he is a trickster, a being that causes corruption via his mind bending tricks.
Really? I have a belief Nietzshe is the embodyment of Wario. I mean listen to his voice!

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