Rollo wrote:
GGPViper wrote:
It sure is hard to choose among 3 candidates... when one of them saved the free world.
"Saved the free world"? By helping to hand over half of Europe to Communism? Lol. What a joke.
At first I was going to make some snide reply about you having little grasp of history and the role the US played in bringing down Nazi Germany and preserving the market economies of Western Europe through the Marshall Plan.
... but then I looked at your post history...
rollo wrote:
As for "anti-Semitism", it is (as many "leftist anti-Zionists" fail to realise) just a nonsense term Jews use to attack anyone who stands in the way (whether intentionally or not) of Jewish interests.
rollo wrote:
Taboos don't just get knocked down and replaced with new ones at random.
If PC is about protecting "minorities", perhaps PC is being driven by minorities, or one minority in particular.
In fact, the reference to minorities still masks what PC is about. (Women are not a minority, but it's far more PC to express concern with their plight than with the plight of, say, white South Africans.)
I'll spell it out. PC is an attack on white society spearheaded by Jews.
rollo wrote:
The real reason the New World Order is constantly demonizing Nazism is that the Nazis stood for everything the New World Order opposes and the Nazis opposed everything the New World Order stands for.
Why would Western nations go from being racially uniform to multiracial (and increasingly socially and economically liberal with it) if Nazis had been in control the whole time? The point of Nazism is to use the state to preserve and strengthen the race (whichever race that might be). You might object to what Nazism involves (legal discrimination against other races, eugenics etc), but at least be honest about what real Nazism actually is. An elite adopting one value system while preaching its opposite to the multiracial masses they rule over is not "Nazism".
rollo wrote:
But if people oppose immigration for racist reasons, so what? There's nothing wrong with that. No race of people can survive in the long run without discriminating in favour of their own kind.
rollo wrote:
Racial separation is the solution. So who is preventing it and why?
No wonder you don't like Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In your book, he's the bad guy!