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Which GOP hopeful do you think will be hardest to defeat in the 2016 elections?
Donald Trump 23%  23%  [ 19 ]
Scott Walker 8%  8%  [ 7 ]
Rand Paul 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Lindsey Graham 4%  4%  [ 3 ]
Chris Christie 7%  7%  [ 6 ]
Rick Perry 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Mike Huckabee 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
George Pataki 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Marco Rubio 14%  14%  [ 12 ]
Someone Else Entirely 19%  19%  [ 16 ]
Total votes : 84


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21 Jul 2015, 5:44 pm

Which member of the Republican field do you think is most likely to be hardest to defeat in the 2016 elections?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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21 Jul 2015, 8:00 pm

Where is the option to vote?

Trump is the best of America.


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21 Jul 2015, 8:18 pm

There are only two or three veterans running for President (maybe more). I will not vote for any candidate who did not serve honorably in the American Armed Forces, and that automatically excludes Mr. Trump.

With no military background, how can he lead as Commander-In-Chief of the American Armed Forces?

With four bankruptcies, how can he lead this country into fiscal responsibility?

With his racist bigotry, how can he direct diplomatic relations with Spanish-speaking nations?

With his latest stunt - publishing the private phone number of a rival candidate - how can he be trusted with state secrets?

The guy is a loser, all around; and he has lost my vote, as well.


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21 Jul 2015, 9:57 pm

It won't be Lindsey Graham, everybody's got his number! :lol:

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22 Jul 2015, 5:46 am

No Jeb Bush?


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22 Jul 2015, 9:55 am

Rand could be the strongest candidate if he had the courage of his convictions, too busy pandering to Fox News dumbies. I don't think anybody is a particularly strong candidate as the Republican party does not represent the views and interests of its base, its all some fake orthodoxy that the general public could give two craps about. Real issues aren't being talk about and that's at best, the stuff they do talk about they're usually completely wrong on.


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22 Jul 2015, 10:28 am

I just hope none of those win the election...f***k.

We won't go back.


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25 Jul 2015, 3:09 pm has been rumored that The Rump may run as a third-party candidate if he does not get onto the GOP ticket.

The question now is: If The Rump does not get onto the GOP ticket and runs as a third-party candidate, can he win the White House as the first third-party President?

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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25 Jul 2015, 4:04 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote: has been rumored that The Rump may run as a third-party candidate if he does not get onto the GOP ticket.

The question now is: If The Rump does not get onto the GOP ticket and runs as a third-party candidate, can he win the White House as the first third-party President?

Trump said he'd run third party if he feels the RNC treats him unfairly and messes with his delegates which is something they do often to candidates they don't like. Trump is an interesting candidate and probably would change his positions in the general election but no he has no chance at winning. I don't think he can win the nomination either but he could collect enough delegates to be the kingmaker. If he ran third party it would basically guarantee that Hilary would be president. Now imaginary scenario where Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination, Jeb Bush won the GOP nomination, and Trump runs third party would be madness


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25 Jul 2015, 4:15 pm

Inventor wrote:
Where is the option to vote?

Trump is the best of America.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of America.


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25 Jul 2015, 8:54 pm

I would have to say John Kasich

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25 Jul 2015, 9:08 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
Inventor wrote:
Where is the option to vote?

Trump is the best of America.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of America.

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25 Jul 2015, 9:56 pm

Inventor wrote:
0_equals_true wrote:
Inventor wrote:
Where is the option to vote?

Trump is the best of America.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of America.

In the land of the blind the one eyed is King.

And in the land of the bald the comb-over is still horrifying.


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26 Jul 2015, 5:03 am

Inventor wrote:
In the land of the blind the one eyed is King.

It is easy to sound profound when you are not. The guy is full of hot air.

Also I believe you and Jacoby are with me on Iran. So you should know that the not really the breath of fresh air you think, with this policy. In fact he not that original at all, same old, same old bullish rhetoric "I know best" BS that you'd expect.

He is not tactical and barely strategic. His only strategy is to inflate himself so much people are duped/intimidated into thing he is genuine.


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26 Jul 2015, 9:29 am

Trump isn't about policy, he's a manifestation of how much this country hates their elected officials. The base of the GOP despises the establishment of the Republican party almost as much they dislike Obama, the left wing is dissatisfied too as evidence by the growing Bernie Sanders insurgency and Hillary's plummeting poll numbers. People are angry and don't feel they have a voice, they're tired of empty suit weaklings that get led around by the nose by partisan politics, the media, and the powerful special interests. They want somebody that says what they believe and is willing the fight for it, they want somebody to tear down the Beltway establishment. Trump doesn't show them any respect and that's exactly what people like, he treats them the way the people think they deserve to be treated. They want somebody willing to speak truth to power, not be mucked down by any imaginary third rails as Trump has done this with immigration and Sanders is doing it by running openly as a socialist. They're not refining or diluting their message to appeal the greater masses, its just red meat all the time.

There are no candidates that represent me, Rand disappoints me to no end but I'll probably still vote for him if he's still in the race by the that time. I could just vote Libertarian again but that's just throwing your vote away, Gary Johnson will probably run again and I like him. I wish he ran as Republican in 2016 instead of 2012, he'd be a refreshing change of pace but he doesn't pass the GOP litmus test on a few issues and isn't enough of firebrand personally to gain the attention needed. I am not happy with where Rand is leading the Liberty movement, his pandering has diluted the message and ruined his appeal with moderates and independents after he had worked so hard at courting them. Gary Johnson should of been considered a credible candidate, a two term Republican governor of blue minority majority state but he was ignored.

I'm just sitting back and enjoying the spectacle of it, better to laugh than to cry. Trump may be riding a pale horse but maybe it's time anyway.


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26 Jul 2015, 4:24 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Trump isn't about policy, he's a manifestation of how much this country hates their elected officials. The base of the GOP despises the establishment of the Republican party almost as much they dislike Obama

That is not good enough.

1. Being elected is all policy.
2. If by the "base of the party" you mean the majority then they really aught to get their act together, vote with their hands if not their feet.

I suspect their isn't all the much common ground or joined up thinking in this dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfaction is common, some of is is based on substance, but not all of it is.